Ali's Adventure!
Have arrived safe and sound in Rio after a couple of flight delays and a long time spent sat next to a very talkative guy from Sao Paulo on the plane.
All is well here although i've havent done a whole lot in the 3 days ive been here. went up the corcovado yesterday which is the mountain with the christ figure at the top. was a good view of riobut a littel cloudy - to many fat old tourists as well for my liking but i suppose it is a bit of landmark and it would be silly not to go. last night we went out clubbing till 5 which was good and i'm enjoying a few days to rest after running around NY grabbing all the stuff i needed over my last couple of days there.
would you believe it, it rained all night and all of this morning (we got soaked when we went out). was planning ot climb the sugar loaf today (pictured) but didnt bother as the cloub would have denied a decent view. i think i may wait until december when it will be much clearer here.
might head to the maracana tonight for some S American football craziness but with the samll amount of sleep i got i might not be up to my usual crazy standards (!) and might give it a miss.
heading to foz du igacu soon - the largest waterfalls in the world, so expect thousands upon thousands of photos!!!!
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