Have just seen the photos you uploaded and your travel blog and everything seems to be working out really well. You must be having the most amazing time and to think you will be away for another couple of months is incredible.
Things are really good with me - I am now in my second week at work and it is going really well. The people are really nice and I am settling in really well.
We've just had a peek at the photo's too. What a great time you are having. And as Jane says, you look very relaxed. Can't wait to hear about the tour and all the other things you've been up to. Enjoy the rest of China and Hong Kong.
Love from all at Stow Cottage xxx
Jane Bogard
Have just looked at your latest photos. Wow, what else can I say. The views of the Great Wall are amazing. It's great to see you both looking so relaxed, well and happy.Who are the others in the group? Are they on the cooking tour too? It looks like you chose your trip really well. Let me know if you need me to send emergency supplies of Earl Grey!
Looking forward to the next update when you get time.
Lots of love from all at Yeomans xxxx
Me - Again
China looks & sounds amazing guys - I guess the meticulous planning is making sure you take in all the highlights - is the tour 'touristy' or are you getting off the beaten track a bit? I dont really have any news I'm afraid - I'm at work, its 4am & after looking at your pics im really wanting to be somewhere else right now! I see Debbie has found some similarly vertically challenged friends - you must feel right at home with all those little people out there!! hehe
Susan & Ted
Finally got round to reading the blog and looking a the pictures. It all looks very exciting and interesting. look forward to the next instalment. Hope you are both enjoying all the new food and rituals - How is the tea?!!!
Love from all of us in Suffolk.
Brilliant - so glad you're having such a great time. We're looking forward to that Chinese meal when you get back! Hope the photos turn out OK. Keep the info coming!
Love Dan (and Mum + Matt)
Great to hear you're having a good time in China. We wondered if you'd find the cooking a bit spicy, but I expect there is enough choice to go for something mild! Can't wait to see your photo's. We have been walking all weekend in the Malvern Hills so tired legs today. Love dadDxxxx
Hey Guys, Looks like you are having a blast. I stayed in the eurohostel in Helsinki too about 6 years ago = cheapest hostel there even though I still thought it was dear, haha, I hope you took advantage of the free sauna (although i over did it and almost passed out inside).
It is a shame you didnt get to go to Kyoto in Japan, there are some really magical gardens there, I thought you went to Kyoto until I read KyoKo, where is that?. Anyway, hope you have fun in China and let me know your dates when you are in Oz so I can put you in touch with my sister and some mates if you are in Sydney for a bit. Make sure you have a game of laen bowls in Tamarama beach, my fave beach and try the yabbies (northen ozzy word for cray fish). I have been in Colombia the last 2 weeks and staying for 2 months more doing a spot of work for an NGO in the jungly, so I am in the same headspace as you. Loving it! All the best and good luck, G
Laurie And Kim
Wow, Japan looks cool. Tpkyo (and the bay) looks good day or night and the view from the Landmark Tower, Yokohama...........
Glad the food tastes better than it looks!
Can't wait to see China. Good luck and keep safe.
We showed Irin & Les your photo's so far over the weekend. Have heard from Mike Felton, who says he will be in touch direct. Richard West called a few minutes ago and they are looking forward to seeing you too.
We were vey busy in the garden over the HOT weekend. We have a much wider border opposite the deck, the apples are picked and the greenhouse base preparation has begun! You won't know the place when you get back!
Hope you're having fun in China. We've been looking at the Great Wall on the internet. Some great photo's are just waiting to be taken. xxxx
Showed the pics of Helsinki and Japan to Grandma and Granddad. So they are up to date with where you are as well now. We are all looking forward to the nesxt instalment!! We have just had the warmest October weekend....... we spent it in the garden as though it was mid summer.
How is China??? Have you seen the pandas yet??
Jane Bogard
Thanks for the update on your travels in Japan, and all the lovely pictures. It seems like you're having a great time, which is fab. And now the great cooking tour of China! Happy chopsticks!