Just viewed your first NZ album. Looks like the camper is a bit twee! I gather Milford was a bit wet then, but fantastic waterfalls. They say you are lucky NOT to get rain there. good job you had kagools!
Love DadD xoxoxox
Well, I'm gonna be the first to send you a message in true 2009 time! HAPPY NEW YEAR! So you didn't believe us when we told you how blue the lakes were, or how blue the sky, or how bizarr it is to be driving across a grassy plain with a glacier staring down at you? Well now you can see for yourselves! We've had snow here today, with -8 degrees overnight. Brrrrr! Hope the trip 'n' tramps and the Billy Tea were up to standard. Looking forward to seeing some photo's.
Lots of love DadD xoxoxoxox
Jane Bogard
Thanks for the call, so odd, you're already in 2009 and it's only 3 o' clock in the afternoon on New Years Eve here. Sounds like the fireworks were fantastic, I don't suppose we'll see the like here in Iver! Very cold and gloomy here, but we'll have another good roaring fire to keep the chill out. Take care of yourselves and keep on seeing all those sights.
Lots of love from all at Yeomans. xxx
Judy, Mum
It is time to wish you both a
Happy New Year
and lots more adventures for 2009. NZ is the place for real adventure so your heading in the right direction. Have fun keep safe and keep sending home the pics.
Love from MUM
Hi there you two! Wishing Debs a belated Happy Birthday, the pair of you a belated Happy Christmas, and all the very best for a jolly New Year. have a good'un!
Charlotte & Rob
Hi guys! Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year to you both!
What a lot you've managed to pack in all ready - we're loving the pictures, they're making us very jealous.
Keep up the good work, much love from Char & Rob xxxx
Jane Bogard
Hello again
I've just had a look at the latest photos. Sydney Opera House and the famous bridge look fantastic. And now you've climbed the bridge! We saw a programme on TV recently about the building and opening of the bridge, was fascinating.Looks like the joint birthday party was a success, I liked the outfits, especially your hat Alex.Hope to speak to you sometime on Christmas Day.Lots of love from all at Yeomans xx
Hi Guys!
What fabulous photos - you look like you're having an awesome time. What me jealous? Looks like a great place to be, and maybe Mum and I will get out there some time soon. Hope you have a great Xmas in Sydney!
Love Dad(B)
Nannie & Danda
Thanks for the e-mail ! I think I understand what you mean!! Thank you for the birthday wishes ! Love Danda
Nan 's comments as follows:- 'What a lovely surprise this morning,it was great to hear your voices; it didn't seem possible that you were so far away.Good to hear you are enjoying your trip so much, especially the camper van !! it sounds wonderful.Just wanted to wish Debbie a very happy borthday, I sent a card to 'Yeomans' for you.Enjoy Christmas in Aus. and the rest of your tour,much love to you both, Nannie & Danda.'
Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday to YOU, Happy BIRTHDAY dear DEBBIE. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!
Hello, your photos are awesome! Really love the ones of the kangaroos, possum, giant lizard, lorikeets and some strange looking monkeys driving campervans and hitching a ride on boats! Keep the photos coming, I can almost feel the heat of the sun from chilly December London! lots of love Laura xx
Jane Bogard
Hello again
Just read your update, wow again! You are certainly packing a lot in. Well done on the surfing, all the beaches sound lovely. A far cry from a cold British beach hiding behind a windbreak! Will be thinking of you both, particularly over the next few days as you head into Sydney. No doubt you'll be sad to see the camper van go, but I'm sure it'll be great to stay in a real house for a while. All well here, actually got blue sky and sunshine today, although quite icy cold too. Never mind we'll have another fire tonight. to toast our toes, and the cats of course. Take care of yourselves. Looking forward to more updates and photos soon. Lots of love from all at Yeomans xxx