Is this phase two? I think it may well be, I think it may have been phase two for about a week or so but it's really hit home today; definitely deserves a blog anyway!
I think phase one was booking a lot of the tickets, finding tenants, and making lists!
Phase two is getting to the time when we are paying for those tickets, letting the tenants move into our house, and ticking things off on those lists…
Things have certainly felt very different for me this morning. Debbie said she's feeling a bit odd as well. Bound to be feeling weird really…
Firstly, it's the start of my last week at work. I'm looking forward to shaking off the routine, but I've got a lot of warm memories to take with me from my time at THC.
Secondly, Debbie and I have moved back into my old room at my parents' house, as the tenants have moved into our house this weekend. Sad to leave our little home, but the tenants are a nice couple, and seemed really happy and excited about moving in. So we're keeping our fingers crossed that they look after the place and make it a happy home for them whilst we're away.
Moving out has made me realise I've got way too much 'stuff'. It'll be so good for us to be living out of backpacks for such a long time. I'm sure there'll be lots of 'stuff' that I now find essential, which will seem anything but by the time I get back. There have already been items-a-plenty I've found we had, but didn't really need, yet after an eBay session, a car boot sale, Freecycle, and several trips to the charity shop, Debbie and I have still managed to fill-to-bursting two family homes with 'stuff' we can't bear to part with… as of yet!
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