Hi Everyone,
Just a quick blog this time as we've got a bit of free interweb in the coffee place where we've just had a light lunch. It's good to be enjoying a bit of western cuisine in Hong Kong after a fortnight of Chinese food so I'm having panini and coffee!
Our hotel is in a great spot, a small room, but excellently kitted out and newly decorated so still a pleasure to stay in. I am writing this right next to a window at the peak looking out over the whole of Hong Kong city. The view is fantastic and Debbie and I have a sofa right next to this computer.
Debbie has just bought a new camera in town, a Cannon Powershot SX10 IS. We got lots of extras as well, including a good sturdy tripod (travel sized) so hopefully we'll be able to shoot some even better snaps from here on in.
Hope everyone is well at home!
Love to all,
Alex and Debbie xxx
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