This morning we had our first orientation for working at the rehabiltation centre. First thing we went to the feeding platform to see them the orangutans in their natural habitat. We then met Ellis - the guy in charge. We weren't sure what we would be doing but he took us behind the scenes to the restricted area of the centre. In front of us was a really big cage and a jungle gym with 5 toddler orangutans ranging fom 3/4-8 years old. It was amazing. We stood next to the cage and watched them beig fed watermelon. Once they had eaten, they came up to see us and put their hands out to grab hold of us. I was holding all their was amazing! I sat watching them play fighting with each other, rolling all over the place. The eldest orang had a coconut which he was trying to open, he kept hitting it on the bottom of the cage and then putting his finger in this hole he had made to get milk out, he would then hold the coconut to his mouth and hit it with the other hand to drink the was truly incredible, just like a human would do. The two youngest toddlers, Sen and Ciria were adorable, Sen was showing of the most and being naughty. Ciria was quite shy but really tough and kept play fighting with the others. I actually adopted Sen for a year and I have pictures of him at home and my adoption certificate so it was amazing to meet him and hold his hand. Their feet and hands are exactly like ours, I put my hand next to sens to compare - apart from theirs been brown with black nail they are identical. They have tiny ears, like a human babies ears. It is cool how they eat, one of the other toddlers held a piece of watermelon in each foot and a piece in one hand and used the other hand to put it in its mouth - its a genetic trait that I def think us as humans missed out on.
As first encounters go with the litte ginger cuties, it was a great one. I will be working hands on with the toddlers and the babies so plenty more stories to share.
Shame about the no picture rule though because it really is unbelievable!
love alexa xxx
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