Hi everyone,
Not really anything to tell you,but thought I'd update any relatives checking out my blog.
Getting a tad bored,sitting around waiting for this ruddy ear to sort itself out-unfortunately no doctors around here(as far as I can tell) so have to go on my own instincts.I reckon the slight discomfort now is probably due to the treatment as much as the problem,and I'm getting a bit desperate to get in the water--or rather--under it!!
Given up idea of Bunaken,Salawesi---at least for the time being.Spent three hours on the Internet trying to book a flight to Manado--nearest airport to Bunaken.One airline--Garuda--suggested flying from Bali to Singapore,then on to Jakarta--overnight stop--on to Ujur Padang? and finally to Manado---two days travelling,and a cost of $640---400quid?--half as much again as my return ticket to the U.K. !!! Another---Lion Air had a direct flight--very early--but cheap---got all the way through to the end of the booking before it told me it did not accept my Visa card--Aaaaarrrggghhh!!!.
So plan is now to fly back to Kuala Lumpur on the 19th,then decide whether to fly back(directly-via AirAsia-hurrah for AirAsia!!) to Manado--for a minimal cost,or maybe to try out Vietnam--don't expect much in the way of diving,but have never been there,and the experts say it won't be long before it becomes very touristy,and spoilt.
In the meantime,I'm trying to sort out transport to the north of Bali,where I am told there is a very nice "muck" dive at Puri Jaya,which is not far from Lovina,where I stayed on my first trip to Bali,back in 2002--wonder how much it has changed?
Padang Bai is a nice place to get bored,though--tried snorkelling(with earplugs) at the Blue Lagoon--not awe inspiring but at least it was wet,sunny,and had a terrace bar,where I could enjoy a cold Bintang(enjoy?-it's lager,for goodness sake!!!)whilst watching the local traders trying to sell sarongs,jewellery,carvings and massages to the sun worshippers(mostly French and German,it seems). Yeah,not a bad life,if you don't let it drag you down,Eh?
Well,I'm sorry if this entry wasn't too filled with travel information (other than you need infinite patience to travel anywhere in Indonesia,it would seem)but it has whiled away an hour,and now it's time to try and find affordable transport to the North of the island(why did I leave my driving licence at home)--a motorbike would have been ideal--but the local cops know a lot of tourists don't have licences,and give on the spot...erm?..."fines".and they could add up to an expensive tour.
Well,hopefully,the next blog may contain some more interesting stuff,but for now,
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