So today we will talk about Thunder Thighs. I found the exact spot I would be enclosed in should I ever get lost and found by authorities. I haven't actually read the description of this thunder thigh animal but their name bares all.
The girls and I spent the day at the sanctuary and we saw animals from the Tazi devils and koalas to red bellied black snakes and barking owls.
It is 15:58pm exactly and in need of a little nap. I have decided to go for the gradual tan as i prefer to wait a little longer for the golden glow than to live two days as a tomato. I still embrace the fact that I barely wear makeup, my clothes stick to every crease on my body and I'd rather note my hair as cool rather than a mess. The weekend Is nearly over for us and for the first time whilst being here i envy the fact that you brits are in booboo land and have a lazy sunday ahead of you. Now 16.01pm and with what feels like an ant crawling on my leg, I'll conclude that my sunday was great and hope yours will be too.
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