Hi everyone....
Firstly let us apologise for the delay in updating our blog. We've had a few people ask us what was going on but you'll be pleased to know we've been flat out the last week or so and just couldn't find the time to do it properly.
The last time we left a post we were still in Chicago with one day to go. That day was spent in the Field Museum where we had a fantastic time. It's like the Natural History Museum in London so there was plenty to do. We saw some great things and even learned a thing or two. Be sure to check out the pics (Chicago 2).
We then flew to Louisville to spend some time with Jules' dad and his wife Denise. It was lovely to spend time in a house for a change rather than a hotel.
We saw so much in our time with them, a week exactly. The first full day we visited a horse ranch/museum to see the old racing horses and different horse shows. The weather that day was lovely and it was great to go out in a t-shirt rather than a coat worrying when the snow will hit next!
On the way home we stopped in one of the regions winery. It was the first time Alan had ever been in one but it's unlikely to be his last as he's got the taste now!
Whilst staying at Louisville we drove to Nashville, Tennessee, otherwise known as 'music city.' It's easy to see why. There were live bands everywhere. The first thing we did in Nashville was to visit a southern plantation. (For those who don't know what one of these is, which included Alan before we visited, it is an old, big, working manor house with loads of land etc...).
We found out that in those days people were smaller because of their diet etc. (Yes Peter...AKA Lonely Chef on the message board. Alan would have been a tall person in those days!!!!)
That night we visited downtown Nashville and were amazed at the line dancing skills of the locals. EVERY song had hundreds of people dancing to it and they were all doing the same thing. It wasn't the time to break out my world renowned 'phases'....Nashville isn't ready just yet!!!!!
The following day we visited the Country Music Hall Of Fame. It explained about the beginnings of the music to where it is today. It finished with the hall of fame with all the plaques etc. Julie doesn't stop singing Sweet Home Alabama and Dolly Parton songs now! Talking of Dolly Parton we found out the song 'Jolene' came about because of a young fan she took a shine to was called Jolene. She said it was a lovely name and she would one day write a song for her, and did. To this day that girl has not come forward. (Alan thinks it's because she's probably dead!!!!)
That night we took advantage of being in a house and watched the longest film ever 'Dances With Wolves.' We were amused at the Indian names so came up with our own. Jules is now known as 'drinks wine a lot' and Alan is known as 'loves cheese a lot'!
It was an early start the following day as, would you believe it, we agreed to check out an American church. This place was enormous, more like the Royal Albert Hall than your local church! It was a totally different experience to a British church. For instance, the songs were all like rock songs rather than 'I wish I was a fuzzy wuzzy bear!' (Those at George's christening will appreciate that!)
It was interesting to see how it was done over here and was more like going to the theatre than church.
Our last full day in Louisville was great and we certainly packed in lots of stuff. It started with a tour round Papa John's HQ where Julie's Dad works. Papa John's do pizza's (really well!!) It was great to see behind the scenes of such a big company and get a feel for the place. Plus the lunch was amazing -$1 per slice of pizza!!! (To all those in the UK look at for Papa John's as there will be one near you
soon I imagine. They're bloody lovely and we recommend them to you all!) (Peter /Dad - is that a good enough endorsement to get a free pizza token?!!!)
Following that we visited the 'Louisville Slugger Museum.' These guys are famous for making the bats for the major league players. We had a really good time here and it was good to see how the bats were made. We had our very own bat made for us with a little message on it - check out the Louisville photos to see it. Alan also had a go in the bat cage and loved every minute of it. He actually broke one of those top notch bats in two. (He'll have you think it was his power!!!)
In the afternoon we visited the Muhammad Ali Centre. This place was great. It explained what he went through in his life to what he does today for people. One story that sticks with us is following his winning gold in the Olympic Games he returned home to find he still wasn't allowed in a fast food place to buy a burger because of the colour of his skin. That wasn't as long ago as you would have thought, sadly. The whole centre was a great experience and he is an inspirational man. So much so that Jules gave me a right good kicking that night and danced around me whilst I was sparko on the floor chanting 'ohhh, I'm so pretty!!!!'
Before we knew it we were heading off again. This time to see Mickey mouse in Orlando.
As soon as we arrived in Florida we changed out of our thick clothes and put the shorts and flip flops straight on. The heat was great and we went straight to the pool!! A welcome change from the snow that seemed to be following us about.
The first park we visited was Sea World. We had a great time and really enjoyed ourselves. The shows they put on a really fantastic. The Whale and Dolphin show was sensational whilst the Shamu show, whilst great, had more cheese in it than Alan's weekly intake of the stuff. Crolla Shamu still gets you soaking wet we were a little clever and sat a little further away! Was lovely to see all the animals on show and we certainly slept well that night!
The next place we went to was Magic Kingdom. This place was rammed full. People everywhere. We had a great time here too and did the usually Disney stuff. Jules was worse than the children to see all the Disney characters (until Alan told her that they were actual people which ruined the dream!!!!) We saw the parade they do which was great and we can't stop humming the tune. We also saw the Disney version of us -Beauty and the Beast (You work out which one is which....not too hard hey!!!!). We rode the Splash Mountain log flume and they need to change the name of the ride to 'absolutely soaked mountain!' We were that wet that after coming off the ride people were pointing and laughing at us.
The final park we visited was Universal Studios. We did all the good rides. Anyone who is heading there soon must do the 'mummy' and 'spiderman', those rides were fantastic, as was Jurassic Park in the new bit called adventure island.
We crammed loads in to our few days in Florida and thoroughly enjoyed our time here. Especially the weather.
We arrived in Austin, Texas yesterday to the set of a gangster movie, we are staying in a motel Super 8, if you haven't heard from us within a week , we have been the victims of a drive by!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hopefully everyone back home is doing ok? Please keep the messages coming as it really is great to hear from you all. Please have a look at our new albums which are Chicago 2, Louisville and Orlando. With any luck they'll be some of Texas shortly.
Take care all.
Hugs and manly handshakes.
Jules and Alan.
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