I see wet people
Left Bangkok yesterday, I really thought we were on a scaam bus! it was slow and noisy and hot, hells teeth, we had booked a vip bus? So we got to the border and as usual our passports taken off us, whoa scary. Got to the friendship market, warned about the little girls with brollies being pickpockets. The heavens oppened, Oh my Buddha! We could not see hands in front of our faces.
So were already late, the bus was supposed to pick us up at 7am instead a scruffy bloke on a moped ushered us into a Tuktuk and plonked us at the end of the Khao San Road conveniently located next to some dog poo! 1.5hrs later pushy bloke tuns up 'TICKET TICKET!' So I said 'Please' no matter he hurried us off toward the grand palace, and there were 2 huge VIP buses aircon the works, Nah we had the clapped out old banger in front, lol. 1030 we finally set off. 4hrs to the border.
Ok we set off thru the market in small groups once re rain had eased, got some more money changed, mindful of the pickpockets, kept gettiing covered by brollies, well (a) we were under a shelter and (b) it wasnt raining! but funny tho. Got our visas exits and stamps no bother, decided not to go to the casino in no mans land? and we entered the land of MUD!! When it rained I thought ' Oh crap, the roads gonna be bad!' boyoboy was I right. The Cambodian government have been building the road to SR since Noah, and its nowherenear finished, lol. A sea of gloopy wet mud, BANG! A huge twin tanker had a 3 wheel blow out, overladed I guess, I was hammocking! lol. We got the inevitable bus to a bus? and set off Poipet town was bad, mud up the ying yang, ditches, diggers trucks aplenty, kids, bikes and mopeds everywhere, it were just like a frontier town, well it was. A huge truck had slid off the road(I use the term lightly) I asked Aly if she was ok and she said, cool!
And then, lo, tarmac, I thought this maybe not so bad after all, after about 20k the tarmac ran out, Oh crap. !Fair play to the driver and the bus itself, they did a great job no mishaps Got into Siem Reap about 11pm, 7 hrs on the road to cover 160k? It will be a great road and an asset to the people, when its finished. I said to Aly when you bring ya kids here you'll tell 'em 'My daddy brought me here when the road was being built' and the girl behingd leant over and said 'and it still wont be finished' lol.
Anyhoo, were here and safe. fed up with being pestered. We have hooked up with a nice yuoung couple, Ian and Alice. Stayed up til 2ish drinking and talking,Ians been here before so, were all going to do the touristy bit together. Going to the range this aft, do some shooting! never know when you may need to be able to strip, c*** and shoot an AK47, given, Bad Bush Tony Brown and Gordon Blair! And Ians right it is the sh*tt*st excuse ever, just wanna shoot stuff. Doing the temple trip tomo' ending with Ang Kor in the sunset, neat.
Its 10:30 I'm off looking for croissants, Bye Y'all
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