Man, I can't believe I'm in Cuba.
Rolando from the hostel says Havana is completely safe but the people do not earn much so do not take purses, cameras or bags out on the street at night.
We had a cocktail last night called a zombie. It was three layers of rum topped (more like a film) of orange juice. Today we were zombies. We walked about trying to see havana, met our friends from the gay bar. Had some street pizza and juice. (post note, no diarrhea)
Found the shore. Lisa befriended a couple in the street. We (mostly Lisa and phillipe) talked with them. They then walked us through the streets and to a cafe. We had a non alcoholic mojito each and got RIPPED OFF.
The originator of The Beuna Vista Social Club was there with a new band.
The man from the couple took my hands and said I should paint, with losts of colour and I will be famous all over the world and that I needed a psychological job to understand that / something. What ever had happened in the past is in the past and that I was to move on as I only had one life. I'm to live it.
Which on reflection this is advice which is applicable to any and every Tom, d*** or Ronaldo - but it is true.
- comments
Emma Haha this made me laugh! You are funny!