I don't think you would remember me, but I was a volunteer in Besisahar the same time you were in Bhujung. I met you a few times through Dom. I am looking to go back to Bhujung in the spring, and I would love to talk to you about ACAP, how you got in contact with them, and potential projects. I hope all is well, and it looks like you've been having some amazing travels. Please email me about sbrock-wilson@u.northwestern.edu! Thanks!
Thanks for the blog's on Philippines,reading your experiences makes me want a little slice of paradise for me and kate even more now... just a few more weeks. :)
hi, really love reading about your trip. Cant what for the next read. Take care.
WB Deb
Mica Diangkinay
hey aidan and jes,
Quite a different look for aidan. I'm not used to seeing him with a beard. I love the pics and ur blog. Keep it up! waiting for the next chapter. Hope to see u soon. tc!:)
Dudi Danieli
hi ozzi and ozza
its Dudi the dood from Israel
love to read your blog 'and see things from your point of view.
keep on travel and keep sobana baytong neat and nature as it is
magical place'wish i could come back for some more time.
anyway ozzies, have fun and send y love to janton in the kitchen,love her food
Nice shots and nice bloggin. Sounds like your having one hell of a trip. Lucky b*****s. Hopefully one day soon i will feel that sense of freedom you guys have.
be safe and enjoy,
Steve Happy
Hey Jess and Aiden,
I got the details off Rosie. How are you going? Your photos look amazing!!!
All the best and take care,
The Islands sound beautiful . Good to know your vessel was seaworthy. We did hear about the tradgery last month that claimed the lives of many toursist. Keep safe. love Mum
Felicity Abbey
Great to see some more photos stories about your adventures. Your photos and stories have made me laugh and sigh with amazement.It has looked very cold and pleak in some photos but this doesn't seemed to have put a damper on things for you. We are all well and thinking of you both. Lots of love MUM
Rosemary And Andrew
Hi there kiddos! Just had a decent look. Fantastic!!! Are you still in Vietnam?
Hi Guys,
Amazing stories and photos. Its definately making me thirsty for adventure.
Keep up the stories. Where you going next?
Deb Fay
good thing i can add up. well snaps look fantastic, but to cold for me.you'll be happy to hear that harvest is nearly over with only 500tonne a day now, 232,000.00tonne so far.
Sooo jealous.Whats the most bizarre thing you have eaten so far.