So after a brief nap on the floor of El Dorado airport and a questionable tuna sandwich I was on the flight to Quito! It's rather a shame that I didn't get to explore Colombia but what I learnt from the shops in the airport is they put weird things in chocolate; pineapple, mango, berries you name it.
Anyway I've made it to the Hotel, although I'm the first one here because check in isn't supposed to be for 2 more hours ( but I'm early for once in my life). Apparently I'm sharing with an Australian girl and most people on the list seemed to be British, so hopefully it'll be a good group. Currently planning what to do in Quito, it's really surreal, everywhere you look is surrounded by mountains and clouds, and there's exotic trees growing everywhere.
So I left the hotel about 11, after being given a map and instructions on how to reach the bus stop, which still took me half an hour to find. I asked several Ecuadirian people where the hell the bus was but they spoke no English and I speak no Spanish, so it was hopeless. Eventually I stumbled across the bus stop and proceeded to be the whitest person on it. Finally managed to get to 'la Plaza Grande' which is a cute lil place with some water fountains and a statue and people singing. Then I went into a cathedral because #catholicgirlontour and it was insane. EVERYTHING was made of gold, and there were incredible paintings all over, the ones in frames were like 10ft x 20ft, and there were stories from the bible painted on the huge arches. Say what you like about religion, but religious art always seems to be the most beatiful, nowadays you just don't get inspiration like that. After the cathedral I went to the Central Metroplotan Museum, which shows modern art, and it was so so so awful in comparison, I'm 100% sure my year ones produced better pieces.
After some more wandering I stumbled across a market; there were loads of cute bracelets and bags and all was going well until I got to the food bit, and I s*** you not, a woman was selling caterpillar wraps. CATERPILLAR. There was a little tub of live caterpillars at the front, and when someone wanted a wrap she'd just pick up two or three and put them in a fajita. like wot.
Anyyywaaaaayy following the traumatisation of the market I decided to play it safe with my old friend the tour bus. I bloody love tour buses, you get to sit all comfy and learn about your surroundings, and if you want to learn EVEN MORE, you can just hop off!
An interesting thing I learnt today:
•There's a huge basilica in Quito that has been being built (tenses are so much easier in latin
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