So I'm in crazy Las Vegas and it's yet another city I've fallen in love with and want to stay longer! Trip from LA was fine, only 6 of us on the bus and the driver lives in Vegas so he was giving us all the info on what to do etc.
So we arrived at our hotel which I thought would be in the back of beyond given it's not an expensive tour but we're actually right behind Paris hotel on the strip so it's a whole 10 mins walk away. Have discovered a green man (or white as they are here) doesn't neccessarily mean you can cross the road without being killed... apparently if they have blue flashing eyes cars can still turn right.
Asked our guide where was cheap to eat whn we arrived and he directed me to the casino in the hotel (!) where I got a slice of pizza about the size of a whole one at home for $3 - bargain! So after I got myself organised headed up to the Bellagio and sat out on there balcony bar where you're looking across at Paris complete with an Eiffel Tower and got great views of the fountains. Ended up staying for an hour to watch several displays, they apparently have 30 different ones and it is so stunning.
After that went down to see the volcano erupting and after asking the concierge about it discovered they stopped it as of Sunday due to safety reasons. Camera battery had gone flat by this point so decided to wait til later to do the Stratosphere tower and as I wandred along the road spotted Casino Royal. And if you're in Vegas you have to go to a casino!!! So I went in and ended up spending 2 hours at the craps table which was fascinating (didn't bet though mum and dad!) Speaking to a few businessmen who were gambling $1000 each! although one of them won $3800 in the end. Also talking to a professional gambler who has made that his career for 25 years. As I was next to the dealers they were great and explained the whole game to me while I was there. Also discovered even though I wasn't playing if you stand at the table all your drinks are free all night so it was pretty cheap for me!
After that it was late but it's so buzzing here so I decided to go into the Venetion where they have a 1/2 mile canal on the second floor complete with gondolas. Wasn't going to go on one but you kind of have to do these things so hopped on board and was serenaded with a bit of romantic pavarotti, just one cornetto (obviously!) and another one. Guy had an amazing voice and I have some great pics they took hthat I'll need to send back home and get scanned so I can add them here.
So this morning I got up super early for my grand canyon trip - amazing!!! Bus to boulder city airport and then a half hour ride over the hoover dam to the canyon where we stopped for a picnic lunch complete with individual wicker picnic hampers. Flight back and I've just been to a half price ticket place and got tickets for a burlesque show tonight.
Internet about to run out so will update further tomorrow!!! Ax
So didn't finish blethering about grand canyon. They chose your seat for you by weight so was dreading being in the middle unable to take photos but actually I was given the front seat next to the driver!!! So got great views.
Came back to LA and did a bus trip up the strip which was fab, got chatted up by an oap who I thought was being friendly but he started asking where I was staying, if I had a husband etc (I lied and said yes) and then he asked me if I wanted to go back to his hotel with him!!! Aside from that felt very safe here as it's so busy - you can literally go shopping, eating, gambling 24 hours, even can get a manicure at 4am if you feel like it. Also discovered a gun place where you can go and fire machine guns at any time of the day, just for fun!
Anyway went up to the mgm and went to see the lions (as you do in a hotel! some of them have sharks) and got approached by a man who invited me to the vip bar in the hotel that night. Unfortunately I'd already booked my show. Had another wee cruise down the strip and then went to the stratosphere where I'd only planned to go to the observation tower but got persuaded to do the rides. I've never been so scared in my life!!! First up was one where they shoot you above the hotel - you're already at 3000 feet and then they throw you up in the air, lost a shoe, and you come flying back down in your seat. Next up I nearly died. Went on a roller coaster ride that goes up in the air (and I stupidly chose the front seat) then you go flying down the side of the building. So hanging face down over Vegas, horrendous, then they bring you back up and you do it another two times for fun. After that went on a spinning ride that takes you over the side of the building on a sort of caorousel - much more fun! About to run out of credit again so will update more whn I get back to LA - got a full day bus tour there tomorrow including all the celeb houses. Speak later, Ax
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