Aim's in Africa
I'm now home and back to reality, and guess what its raining!!
Well i promised to fill you in on the last few AMAZING day so i will!
The Serengeti has to be one of my favorite parts of the trip! It was a game packed few days and we saw animals of all sorts from start to finish!! As i was travelling with a bird fananatic i saw and learnt as much about them as anything else! Some of them really were stunning. We were lucky enough to see lions, not long after we entered the park, up on some rocks. Over the afternoon and the following mornings drive we managed to get even closer! Again mainly up on rocks! We came across a male, asleep on the rocks, who appeared to be alone that was until our ranger pionted to the left at male lion in the distance running towards us. He ran incredibly fast going straight infront of our vechile and up the rock to our right. Then appeared, as if out of nowhere, a female who it seemed had been hidden somewhere in the rocks. The new male made his advantages on the female to get knocked back on more than one occasion!! The rest of our afternoon drive was full of new finds. The hippos wallowing and doing the cutest thing - rolling on their backs with their little stumpy legs in the air!! Buffallos grazing!
We spent the night in the Serengeti at a unfenced campsite, the animals could well of roamed in!! Infact the guards informed us in the morning that we had a visit from an hyena, probably after the food!! We ate tea sat round a campfire surrounded by wilderness.
Early the following morning we were up and ready to see more animals. We had the lion excitment(above) and then we saw the cheetah's! A mother with her two cuds, almost grown up they would soon be out on their own. hidden amongest the long grass we could see them eyeing up warthogs in the distance! The excitment soon died down as they reached a tree with some shade and settled there for a rest, it seemed unlikely they were on the hunt and so we moved on. We saw impala that seemed to be on a suicide mission as they merrily jumped/ran along infront of our vehicle. We saw hyenas and believe me you know when you are near on due to the smell!!
After lunch back at the camp we packed up and headed to the ngorongoro crater. On our way we came across a kill that a bunch of hyenas were finishing off. We were told it was the remains of a chettah kill. The hyenas had competion from a cheeky jackel, a maribo stalk and alot of vultures, and really they were doin a good job of keeping them away. the remains though were merely bones with little flesh left! Although slightly disgusting it was an amazing sight and not something you see everyday!! We also passed several herds of wilderbeast and zebras along with a few giraffe! We arrived at our campsite, situated on the edge of the crater, to be warned by the rangers about the risks of bush pigs that can be very fearce animals, again this was an unfenced campsite. They also informed us of the warm showers - something no one expected and no one was equipted for, so another day to stay dirty it was!!
The following morning we entered the ngorongoro crater, an area formed millions of year before by a volcanic eruption, the soil contained so many minerals it caused salt water lakes. The one main, big lake was home to hundreds of flamingoes. What an amazing site!! Especailly when a jackel started th chase and they started to take off! We also got to spot some rhinos far off in the distance, one of the remaining members of the big five were yet to see - only the lepord now! The heards of wilderbeast nd zebras here were also amazing. We also spotted three female lions amongst some bushes that were out on the hunt, they were in an area surrounded by hundrends of gazellas and other such antelopes, they were taking there time though, something that was not on our side!!
We had an amazing three day in the serengeti and crater and no one wanted to return to Arusha, mainly because that was to be our last night together as the next day we would drive into Nairobi and half the group would fly out thet night! We all had a great last night in fancy dress with a rather tropical punch and some shooters at the bar!
Nairobi wasn't as bad as people made out, i had little chance to explore but itreally didn't seem that bad. Everyone left stayed at Karen camp just outside Nairobi where i camped in Africa for the final time and said my goodbyes! After spending just over 4 months in Africa and craved Ribena on several ocasions of course i found it here in Nairobi of all place as I'm about to head home!!
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