We are in Hong Kong arrived safe after a mahusively long journey sitting in between two men who were about 50 and 60 (hickson if your reading this they were right up your street!).
Went to Hong Kong Island yesterday and the foto thats up here 4 Hong Kong... ive took a beter one than that just cant work out how to upload the thing!! Went on many a bus and tube yesterday and the 1st bus we got on only went and got a cheeky puncture half way up the mountin. We had to sit and wait 4 the next bus to come and rescue us!
We met some Australian drama teachers out here 4 a conference...good life being a lecturer in Australia!
Have walked miles and miles so far. The heat is so humid its like trying to breath in a steam room and sauna and everywhere stinks of fish...and u no how much i hate the fish!!
Despite the smell the place is great, suprisingly similar to London...yet totally different. The views are fantastic and this place must use enough electricity in neon lights to heat everyones house in UK!
We move on to Thai Thai tomorrow catch a flight from here at half 2 and a short flight laters we are in Bangkok! Woop Woop!!!
Time on PC is now running out so Love u and Leave u!!!!xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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