We have now been here for over a week and have settled into a strenuous routine. Get up around 8 if the surf is pumping or 10 if not. Buy a couple of Baguettes, jam and bananas for 40p. Go for a surf. Have some lunch in a cafe, usually an omellette or Tagine with a coke or mint tea, for bout 3 pounds Then chill, play pool, cards, read a book. Go for another surf. Come back hava shower if can b bothered, dinner in cafe. Then have a laugh with the peeps in the hotel. then s***head and bed. Start the routine again the next day.
To break this rather bland routine we decided to head into the mountains yesterday to a place called Paradise Valley and Imouzzer Villag with a couple of friends, Martin a 26 yr old surfer from Biarittz and John an english retired drama teacher. The journey up there would beat any theme park ride by miles. 7 people squeezed into a 5 seater Mer. the single tarmac road weeved up the the valley then up the edge of mountains with sheer drops on one side. there were many hair pin turns that didnt seem to phase the driver, a simple hoot of the horn at 60mph was enough to warn any on coming vechiles,stray animals or dogs.This one hour adrenaline rush cost us no more than 2 pounds, something i will b telling road runners on the way bak from a night out in Grinny!
Imouzzer village seemed like a classic Moroccan mountain villag from my experience. husle and bustle with a laid back vibe, a market where people would trade satsumas for halal chicken and marquetry boxes for hand me down shoes, a couple of vans selling cakes and bread, Mechanics that could practically fix and make anything and the odd amused begger. We walked to a waterfall which was interesting even though we had to pass about 20 keen mroccan stall owners who would all do 'a good price for u my friend'. A good day all round with quality views on the descant back to sea level.
Only 4 whole days left in Morocco. The waves are getting smaller but it is getting slightly hotter!
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