Im sorry i can't spell jam but these kids that we helped they are kids off the streets so it dosent matter that my spelling isnt spot on.
Thanks for sticking up for me stevo x
Penny Lane Recruitment
Short? Boring? We'll pay you £1.12 an hour
what a gimp!!!!
Steve 'ads Hero' Craig
'Hello your through to Alcon'
'Hi can I speak to James Humble please'
That receptionist is gonna get it m8...bang in trouble, however i must admit i found myself reading your post wondering whether you had written it...Its actually quite entertaining. Your first paragraph was spot on, although it sounds suspiciously like something Stuart would write - copycat
I also blame Sandee, but spell her name right before you go laughing at Ad son
And Jam please remember this is a family site so kindly refrain from using words like 'gay'
HAHAHAHA... Just had to excuse myself from the office because i read that has been teaching english to uni students, not only that but has then written a blog entry with multiple punctuation and grammer mistakes. priceless.
Danger, to be fair you are very boring in your posts, just because Ad and Stu have written very long messages you feel the need to out-do them and write even more, i blame Sandy,
Ad and Stu, as i read your blogs, i honestly thought i was reading secret love letters, little bit gay.
Just had a phone call from Wayno, can not believe it, it was for car advise though, but we are playing golf on sunday, no more walking the course alone for me,
Hope you and Mishee are having a great time, love the suit.
Jam X
its class mate no little bit nicer than cardiff! had a class day to day taught some english to some uni students in a school was quality helping out.
cant wait to meet up in nz mate.
Steve, reading your blog is one of the most bored I've ever been. Please keep the war stories to a minimum next time.
Ads, vietnam pictures look amazing, can't wait til I hit Asia. Gonna try and get us some quality coffee from Colombia mate!
See you in NZ
Steve 'ads Hero' Craig
Ads when you put your 7am mind to things you can actually produce an abusive and entertaining post. But my god you’re wet
Like Stuart I wish to draw upon some of the highly embarrassing points you made...
I admit you were good at sport, until about year 11 that is, when fuelled by Stella and triple whoppers with extra, extra cheese you turned into a human blimp, that led random homeless people in Blackpool to chant 'slimbo slimbo' at you. Imagine that eh?...a tramp with nothing but a single shopping trolley still supporting those worse off than himself
'John and dom really love music and can play to a high level'. What a terrible compliment. That is seriously one of the worst sentences I have ever read. Surely you can think of something better to say about your so called 'best friends', or are you saying they’re both talentless? Oh and 'John' - surely you mean Jon?
Speaking of which Petrie you are one grey hair short of a Just For Men subscription, and I’m quite sure immigration are going to shut your shop down with those horrific eyebrows. Sorry, I meant eyebrow
Hows the job going Dom? With time away from the gym it'll be back to cake-eating camp for you Goebbels, where you'll also get your very own homeless chant, but most likely from a revengeful Jew
Speaking of religion how’s that Muslim spot on forehead Jam? Do you still wear trainers inside people’s houses to give you that extra inch of height? Stuarts ‘brakes’ analysis of your job performance was spot on (forehead). Maybe you should consider a new field, such as teaching clinical mutes to learn one-word-phrases, like ‘Wayno’
‘Humble’ would be your input nose. Stop ringing and making excuses that you’ve had a ‘busy week’. We are all fully aware that you wake up, take 3 hours to get ready, head to work, search the internet for the latest spray on hair ranges, come home, work out in the hope of growing out as you can’t grow up, spend 3 hours getting ready for bed, then drift off to sleep remembering a time when you had more friends than a stick and a ball
I know I know this is the point where, for the benefit of the more established, well-mannered viewers of the blog, I should say ‘only joking’ to all of the above. But in fact it’s quite the opposite. This message board is about separating the apes from the rats, the dwarfs from the chubbs, and the NP from the PN. So why not say something really nice and lovely and kind and wet lads, before you get your nipples crippled by Byron Sayce
Stu No.1 Friend Seabury
Hey slimbo, thanks for your appreciation of my writing skills! that is more than Danger has ever had and he did a journalism course at uni! haha.
Have to argue with you slightly on the following points though:
you are good at a lot of sports but not all! I'm not going to lie to you Ads, football isn't a strong point in your make up! Nor is pool or snooker.
Wayne is a sensitive good looking guy, but how can he be a good listener when he never answers his phone?? EVER!!!
Jam has good passion but if he was so good at making breaks why did the car he made them for come first in the race?? Good breaks should slow you down!!! So surely whoever was last in the race would have had the best breaks...No?
Lastly, whilst the bits about Steve may or may not be true his only great strenght is organising a night out! And when you are organising us boys that deserves some praise.
I am not going to deny Dom has got some good talent on the music front! please to see your 3 years at uni haven't gone to waste like some of us...hey Steve!
Thanks for the well wishes, i will be sure to tell my mum you passed them on.
oh mate order me a suit and bring it home for me, just say to them slightly slimmer around the waste than yours! haha!
take care matey, love to you both!
Ads Globe Trekker Davis
Stu well done buddy you have written the best post so far, so much more caring and thoughful than the others! what a class mate!!
Give your mum congrats from us mate quailty news be a great day for all you guys.
That rap class isnt it my dad and mum loved it aswell so well written, see stu we all have our talents;
.you are great at football and a great people person who can get along with anyone and every one loves you.
.im just class at all sports and teaching sports.
john and dom really love music and can play to a high level.
Wange very good looking and sensitive and great great listener also handy with a bit of oak.
jam passion for cars and has a great job that hes really good at and enjoys.
Steve ...uuuummmmmmmm is good at going out??? no passions no sports no loves, just beer and smiling off his face in tiger with people that he thinks like him but just using him for his weekly allowence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahaha
That scooter ride was insane mate but a class way to see vietnam we are getting them all the time, suits are class so cheap but i thought as bakes is engaged i might aswell by one!!!
all the best stu an thanks again for yr class message.
ads and mich
Steve 'ads Hero' Craig
Sssh nay don't give away our big secret. That photo you sent my email was hot. Make sure u keep my thailand trip a secret, after all im not interested in going with Jam and Jon to see Ad and Dom when i can spend all my time watching family guy with you x
Naomi Jones
Hey Steve, how r u? Can't wait till I see you again!was really nice spending time with you - shame we couldn't spend some quality time together ;). Miss you lots! The love of your life, Nay xXx
Davis, who let you ride that scooter!? plus filming was made harder for Mishee by you keep turning your head and getting that big nose in the way! lol. Some good side ons tho for a nose off!
I thought i would write something nice on here as some small minded individuals think it is big and clever to write abuse on here all the time! JAM!
Some more good photo's mate, those suits look amazing, i want one! Beach looks beaut mate! i can see you are working on your tan by going for the all out burn!
Sorry i missed your call the other day mate, i am flat out revising as i have my exams in 2 weeks time! scary how quickly time goes, only feels like yesterday i started the course.
I heard that rap that Dom did for you the other day...very funny...Good work by the way Dom! I showed it to Lou's parents who found it hilarious how abusive we are about each others appearance and personalities etc.
Also cant remember if i told you but my Mum is finally getting married next week! me and my brother are giving her away! am well excited! don't worry tho mate i will take your advice and stay well away from the lemon drops!
Anyway, keep enjoying yourselves and good luck with your upcoming doubt you'll be giving that a bash! You should pretend you are a beginner and then pull a massive jump!