The Final Blog!!!!
Tomorrow evening I am flying back to the UK. Although I have only been away for two months, it feels like I have been gone for ages -especially when I think that that I left about 1 week after the general election and since then there has been Wimbledon and the World Cup.
Finishing off my blog from LA… The car was great and all went fine. It was a bit weird at first driving on the wrong side of the road and also driving an automatic. But soon got used to it, and the major freeways! It didn't take long for me to be back to my old self and getting angry with all everyone on the road. We went to Universal Studios which was brilliant especially the studio tour where we got to go on loads of sets like Desperate Housewives, Heroes and Bruce Almighty.
Spent July 4th (Independence Day) on Venice Beach which was cool. Also went to the Orange County and visited Laguna Beach and Newport Beach from The OC.
Pat then went home and I jetted off the New York. It is such a contrast to the West Coast. It was absolutely boiling hot for a start and really humid. Seen loads in New York, all the typical things and spent a fortune on Fifth Avenue. Walked all the way around Central Park. I ended up a puddle. Craig and I got into trouble when we tried to go swimming yesterday morning. We stripped down to our boardies and went to the pool and got shouted out as it was kids only. He looked at us like paedos, shouting "what are you doing here, you can't be here you have to leave!"Today we had walked over the Brooklyn Bridge…bridges seem to be becoming a theme on my travels.Tonight we just got back from watching Toy Story 3… and much to my disappointment, American cinemas are exactly the same as ones in the UK (or UK are the same as the ones in America….)
Anyway, I will get pics up when I get back. Had an amazing trip and can't believe how much I managed to see.Three countries and 4 States including the Inca Trail and Grand Canyon, two things I have always wanted to do. Been really lucky with the people I have met along the way and already started planning my next trip to visit them all, anyone who wants to come…sign up here….
See you all in a few days! (or if you are one of the Aussies…see you next year!)
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