Hey there guys & Happy New Year!!!!Well, what an exciting Christmas and New Year it has been! Totally different from the norm - no sitting by the fire eating choccies, more like sat round a Barbie eating shrimps and drinking a Tootheys Extra Dry! I've loved every minute of the Aussie chrimbo - its totally low key and the Christmas decorations look so weird around the towns with fake snow.So, how about I start where I left of with the scary Abbo girl in Darwin. Well, I managed to recover from that ordeal and get around Darwin quite nicely! I headed straight over to the harbor to get a portion of Fish'n'chips, something that I was craving after eating spicy food for the past 3 months. Yippee, it was delicious, so much in fact that I ate fish'n'chips or some sort of seafood dish for every night for a week. I still don't get bored of it, but something tells me I cant keep eating that for too long There's a reason why the Asians stay so thin and why they don't have fish'n'chips so I better keep that in mind and opt for a salad!So Darwin just involved a bit of sightseeing nothing much really, just a bit of wandering around. But I was so amazed by the littlest of things when I first got to Oz, like how big the sky looked. There were no big buildings to block the views and the stars looked so bright and shiny. Also, the way Oz looked quite Americanized, but I guess, where doesn't! I also went to a fab art gallery and saw a stuffed 15ft croc - he was massive!Next stop was Broome. I flew across the Northern territory, which took about an hour or so. It was such a tiny airport. In fact the taxis didn't want to take me to my hostel as they thought it was too close, but I have soon realized, what would be a fair distance at home, is just down the road. One of my bus drivers said to me, that something was 'just down the road', and it turned out to be 130km and an hours drive! Crazy! I loved Broome, it had some many Abbo Art galleries which I just spent the day wandering round and actually bumped into a friend of mine from back home - totally random but nice to see a familiar face. Broome, off course is famous for the sunset on Cable Beach watching the camels, however, I was quite oblivious to this at the time and took myself off to the beach to watch the sunset. So, I settled down on an empty beach and snoozed for a while, and awoke to find a whole herd of camels walking past me just meters away. I thought I was seeing things, but soon realized what was going on. So was lucky I went there to see it! I was only in Broome a day, but managed to squeeze everything in. The best bit was going to watch a movie under the stars in the 'Sun Pictures' Movie theatre. It was ancient, but so adorably old with it. Loads an ole memorabilia and we even sat on deck chairs. 'Death at a funeral' was showing, a brit comedy and I haven't laughed that load in ages, so go so it if you can!Finally the day of the tour, I booked myself onto a 6-day bus tour from Broome-Perth. Amazingly, when I got on the bus, there were two guys who had been on my flight the day before. They were really nice so I knew I would have a good time. One was Aussie from Perth and the other girl lives in London, so that was fab. I didn't take long to realize we had a weirdo on the bus! He was crazy crazy. My first conversation with him was about Martians and Aliens......! I just thought that maybe there was something I didn't quite get, but when I shared my story with the other girls, they said that he'd talked about the devil to them! Hmmmm, and this was only 30 mins into the journey - greeaaat! So, we kind figured that this was going to be an interesting journey. Our first night was stopping at the Pardoo Cattle station; literally right in the middle of know where. We got to know the local miners over a couple of beers and the told us stories of local crocs on the loose or the odd drunk driving accident on the roads. They even had a pet cow there called Mika, which I fed dinner too that was fun! The next morning, Michael, the weirdo on the bus was on form...his first question to us was....'did you see the red man over your bed last night???" he meant the devil! We'd spent the night before hearing about his views on Pol Pot, Jews and how awful it is for people to live in England in such crampt conditions...even though he's never been! In fact, he didn't stop talking about something called 'Frank Creation'... At first we thought it was just something he was twittering on about, but he explained to us that it was a cult against media, and that the world was being taken over by technology, which he hates...which is fair enough to have these views, but he didn't stop talking about the balance being wrong.... like the 'U being out of the V'...WHAT???? We didn't get it at all. So we goggled it...and guess what, there was nothing at all on the Internet about it. It didn't exist! So that just confirmed how COOKOO he really was! We tried to get in thrown of the bus but the driver said he thought he was safe enough and not a threat to anyone. We just had to spend the next 6 days hearing about blaming 'Frank' all the time. Our main worry was being in a tent with him in Karijini National Park for the night, but Paddy, the driver, gave up his tent so we didn't have to sleep near him. We were worried we'd never wake up! Karijini, was however, absolutely lovely. The gorges were so picturesque. We went for a dip in the lagoon pools, it was nice and refreshing, then carried on walking. The next day, we dropped off the girls in Exmouth. So, I didn't have any back up anymore, I had to explain the stories to the new backpackers on the trip who got the drift pretty quickly! We headed down the west coast, stopping at some lovely places, towns and coastal views. Monkey Mia, was a well known area in Shark Bay to watch Dolphins feeding which was cool. But I had more fun watching the Pelicans trying to steal their food - the naughty little monkeys! Next we headed down to Kalbarrie National park which was pretty hot hot hot. Lovely views once more, but was glad to get to the hostel to get a bit of fresh air. I had developed a rash from eating a Mango, all over my arms, neck and face. Basically, we had stopped at the side of the road for a loo stop and helped ourselves to the best ever mangos ive ever eaten. Except, lucky 'ol me developed a rash from touching the sap / skin of the mango. It didn't stop itching for days and took 10 days for the rash to go...So im a bit gutted that I cant eat Mango anymore.... The final stop, was the Pinnacles, they looked amazing, just like gravestones or old men's teeth. So got loads piccies of them too.We arrived into Perth late on day 6, and I had actually grown to like Michael and his weird conversations, which no one understood. At least he didn't kill us! So that's a bonus, but I think he liked me as I at least asked how he was. Mum always told us not to be scared of the weirdo's as they will come and get you if you look too scared of I think it paid off!Well, got to Perth just in time for Christmas. And what a feast it was. But more of that in the next update! Better go, been here ages and its pretty nice outside. I hope you are all well, and so sorry for the slow replies, ive been busy sunning myself - I will reply ASAP!Take care and miss you all, Love adele.x x x
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