Hi guys,
As per usual it’s been a while but allow me to be pellucid, I have been utilizing my time in some normal and unusual ways. Allow me to begin.
So, as to current day I have moved downstairs into my own basement studio, the obvious potential to cultivate and wow a female audience. I decided to move in order to have my own space and have my own control over ‘me’ time.
So far I’ve got myself a nice big warm fleece blanket which acts as my under sheet, yeah cause why not? I got an iron and an ironing board for keeping my work uniform in tip-top shape. I also got a pair of thermal curtains and other necessaries for the winter season. Talking of the winter season, which hangs in the loom; everyone eager to hit the slopes and feel the freeness of the outdoors.
I’ve been told that the town rocks it come winter and Queenstown is the place to be. Yup you got it, I never went on the road trip, never left queenstown and to be honest with myself I don’t see why I want to other than to see what other cultural diversity the country has to offer – no big one?! HA.
So new place check, majority of bits and pieces for winter warmth check, yup. Obvsiouly excluding the 10 thousand things I ‘require’ or ‘need’ but whos to complain, well everyone in that matter. Let me tell you its funny everyone is in such a s*** financial state and still we go out and spank our monies on glorious thrills to ill-felt means. I’ve found an overwhelming passion for new vocabulary and have become in a sensitive enmeshed state of gratification with the dictionary, all of the early overtures surpassed. That’s right guys I just metaphorically described my relationship with the dictionary as love. What a looser! Ha mother, know you will be loving this and so will I when I read back and think, yeah its James Rowland.
Everytime I mention my name its closely followed by Sam Taylor, just a quick blurb about this guy. Legendary. And that is all.. all that ever needs to be said and all that will ever be said. Ps: love you mum.
In other news: ha… so its was rather impulsive and as my blog suggests; act on impulse, I finished a killer gym session – as in nearly killed me. I then sauntered out in a daze over to the tattoo parlour, I enquire on how I would stretch my ear. Next thing I know I have two stretchers in my ear at 10mm a piece, pretty ruddy laughs for my first piercings and both for $100 with the jewelry, not too shabby!
Ok so its uncle James time, seriously if your looking to venture to bigger and better things and open your senses up to so much more, feel the euphoria of integrating yourself into a different lifestyle, show yourself you can! Cause I certainly did and I can be an awful pariah at the best of times, usually when im hungover ha. More and more I find myself being sententious (seriously clever) but im not its just skills, ones acquired from the memes of the people around me, maybe even unk chris. Perhaps I will have achieved higher echelons in due time, for now I am a subservient wage slave with 10mm stretchers.
So bring on the winter, let’s see what its does for me. Bring on the busier periods at work and someone give me some money cause there’s so much that I ‘require’ for creative purposes. An artist can only vent his creativity with the right tools, for now he simply improvises live a true artist would. Lastly my guitar playing has vastly improved and will keep improving, look forward to showing all you guys when I return. Perhaps even a serenade or laborious set of my works for them bells-a-ringing or mothers 21st this year.
Keep up all your artistic works people, keep making music, keep creating art and keep it f***ing real motherf***ers!
Ps: if there’s spelling mistakes I don’t care, if the sentence structure or flow is wrong I don’t care. Ps: I don’t care
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