Hi Kids!
It feels somehow refreshing and comforting to be back in the northeast, there's still some snow here and there and the air has that lingering winter chill that always seems to hang on until spring finally says...enough! I have to say it's been nice to be away from New England for most of the winter, we just caught the beginning of it when we were in Toledo OH, (Remember? Does 14 below ring any bells?) before we headed south and then out west, so we've missed most of it. We've spent a good part of our time down in Florida, and having never been I'm certainly getting caught up with the whole winter vacation thing in a hurry.
I don't know if I could ever get used to spending winters down south or in southern California, let alone live in these places. Maybe that's just the New Englander in me talking, but there's something about having to live through a New England winter that keeps you honest, makes you appreciate all the more the nice weather we have in the summer and early fall. As if somehow the depressing drudgery of living through seemingly endless cold, uncomfortable, dirty and sometimes dangerous winter days improves one's character. I remain convinced that living in a place where on one day you could be caught in a torrential downpour, the next could be in the 40's and seem almost tolerable and the next you could be down at the end of your driveway at five o'clock in the morning, when it's ten below and the wind chill is around 30 below, because you needed the extra time to shovel the two feet of snow that had fallen the previous night so you could get to work on time, can only do you good... It keeps you humble.
I get the feeling when I'm in places like Del Ray Beach or Key Largo or Ft Lauderdale, that these people are somehow cheating, that they're not living in the real world as we do and someone needs to wake them up to that fact right away. How can one possibly be aware of the realities of the world when it's sunny and 75 degrees when you wake up, with the palm trees gently swaying in the breeze and the only dilema that crops up between your golf game and your yachting excursion is which vintage chablis to have with your fish at lunch! I tell you, someone needs to say something!
That's my rant for today.
As I said, we're back in the northeast, Morristown NJ to be exact, to do one show before we head to New England! We'll be in Keene NH which is the closest we'll get to my hometown of Shelburne Falls MA. And best of all, I have a bunch of family coming to that show, including my lovely, wonderful and talented daughters, Megan and Becky. Can't wait to see you guys! It should a great show in a wonderful old and recently renovated theater.
Be back soon
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