It's been almost two whole months that I have been in Germany, and it feels almost more boring than this summer. It kind of bothers me, since I was expecting to get this HUGE amount of work when I got here, and I have next to NO homework, so this is pretty much a three-month vacation. I think the reason they give us almost no homework is because they want to allow us to travel on weekends, but I mean, we can still do that with homework. Maybe I'm an overachiever, but seriously. I want something to DO with myself. I usually confine myself to my room doing nothing for the sole reason that I don't want to be tempted to spend money. It's rather effective in that sense, yet very uneffective when it comes to getting to know people. I just wish I were in actual university courses.
On that note, i DID try to get into the Academic Orchestra at the University (because technically I AM a student, even tho i can't stay until the semester is over and therefore the concert..) but I got an email today saying the conductor wouldn't let me play with them unless I were playing in the concert (which is in January, when I will be in the US) so yeah, that was a sad email. BUT! I did get an ad in my mailbox today about a yoga studio that is like HALF the price of any other studio I have found so far. SO! That made me happy. ;)
I've been getting to know my roommates-- they are nice, but i feel stupid because i can't understand everything they are saying. So while they are cracking up at something that someone said, I'm kinda sitting there smiling because i can't understand them when they talk super fast... ugh. But tonight we had a meeting about dishes, and we organized our entire common room and threw out a BUNCH of stuff that was either broken, expired, or didn't belong to anyone and was just plain ugly. ha. And then we started decorating, but since it is technically more their living space than mine, I didn't want to intrude on their picking out of pictures (one of them brought out a HUGE pile of postcards and ads that she had for some odd reason kept in the past year or so...) sooo we ended up decorating our place with calendar pictures and postcards. It's pretty awesome. And they were going to throw out a poster for Pirates 2, and i was like NO! I'll take it! so i did. ;) but i have no tape... maybe i'll get some tacs.
wellllllllll anyway. I am hoping to see HP7 in German in a month when it comes out, which will be completely interesting in itself, but this weekend Amy is coming to visit! I'm excited, cuz i can show her the town! ;) yay!
ok but! i should go write my critique of a really ridiculously weird version of a play we watched in class, soooo yeah. off to telling my teacher how horrible i thought it was for so many reasons! yay! (and i think i'm late in turning it in, but i mean really, what grades am i getting in these classes? none, so far, and it's been almost 3 weeks.)
ok i love you all!
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