We arrived in the busy hazy town of Chennai on the 21st around 6am. Escorted to the orphange by our lovely indian friends. As we got out of the car children swarmed us, pulling our tops, hugging us and laughing. Stright away we knew we were in a very special place. "Aunite, Auntie, Uncle Uncle" they would call us as we spent four fantatsic days with them. We were treated like royality by the members of the orphanage as they cooked amazing inidian dishes for us. We now realise that we wont need utencils anymore. Right hand only for eating.
The lovely old lady who built the orphange was purched in her chair in the front room. 92 years old, a little deaf but certainly a beautiful old character. She held our hands and chatted with us over meals.
We attended church with the children on the sunday morning. Singing....well humming and clapping for us. We both had to get up and say a prayer. It was certainly a fasinating experience.
The girls dressed Abby in a traditional gown and dan in skirt. Was a site to see. For the rest of the time dan played loads of cricket with the boys and Abbs danced and sang the girls..."Barbie girl song one more time".
On the 24th we said our farewells to our new family before getting on the old rickety bus and headed back to the heart of Chennai. It was a silent trip back as we both thought about the precious ones and if we would ever see them again.
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