Shoshana and I decided to go to Aroma in Yishpro for breakfast and according to the weather report, it was meant to rain. Rain it did not and the sun was shining brightly so as both of us enjoy walking, we decided to walk the 7,5 km to get there which took us just under a hour and half. It was a great walk. We walked through Park Anabe and because of the rains the rivers were flowing and we even got to see a mini waterfall. After a delicious breakfast, we decided as the sun was still shining, we would walk back home again! Another 7,5 km.
I had about an hour to rest my feet when I got home and then it was time for me to leave again. This time it was only about a 1 km walk and it was to Rebecca's house for coffee and cake. While at Rebecca, the rain came down and wow! did it come down. Thankfully, Rebecca offered to take me home. I'm not sure my feet would have coped with the walk home even though it's not far, but after the mornings' activities, they needed a rest!
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