Hi Abbi
Great to hear about adventures, sounds amazing. This website is cool, good piccies with good captions too!
Weather is still quite rubbish want it to be a lot hotter so I can wear my summer climbing tops. It is summer after all isn't it? I've been out climbing with Adam and Jenny did some really good (and one ridiculous!) routes. An amazing co-incidence: after chatting for about an hour me and Adam eventually realised that we are working on the exact same hospital project, with the same people etc! Its a small world, especially in Sheffield. I led my first VS for over a year the other day. Yay! just a few more of them then I can say I'm back on form. I met up with an old climbing buddy from when I was at school, it was his 30th birthday party at a crag. I bought him a tweed flat cap so he can look like those historical climbers in the guidebooks who smoke pipes all the time. Someone else bought him a hip-flask so he was saying "it's all coming together now, soon I'll be able to climb gritstone cracks and chimneys as well as the old black and white chaps in tweed!"
I got a place on the Landscape Design course at Sheffield so we be students both next year. NUS discounts at the ready.
Looking forward to meeting up with you in Brighton or Sheffield in what must seem to you like the long distant future! a million miles away..
Enjoy yourself A LOT! Once in a lifetime opportunity and all that, there's gonna be too much of our lives spent sitting at a desk/in a car in middle england so make the most of it. Bring back some "rice 'n bean" recipes!
Hey Abs, it seems I really am the last person to stick a message on here (except Chris - is he trying to tell you something?) so I thought I ought to say hi! Had a text from Mum to say you'd informed them you were still alive (if a little chomped) so I guess you're having fun. Anyway, I have no idea when you'll read this so I won't bother to type much more. Can't beleive you've been gone nearly a month already - you'll be home causing havoc again before we know it! Enjoy! Love Clo xxx
Hi there, I felt very bad when I realised I was the only one of the girls not to have put a message on here! So here you go. Hope everything is going well for you so far, I guess by now you've left Quito and you're off in the wilds doing some fabulous conservation stuff. I'm glad to hear you got on so well with your family in Quito and hope that you've got somewhere decent to sleep and some nice people to spend time with.
My plans are going ahead, I'm sorting out visas at the moment and have even started packing some stuff to leave at my Mum and Dad's - now I'm thinking that I'll have everything sorted by the end of July and will have to sit around for a month waiting to leave! Knowing me though I'll leave something really important to the last minute so I'll be like a headless chicken as per usual.
Anyway we all miss you lots and hope you can email us soon to let us know what you're up to. Take care and lots of love xxxxxxxxx
ps I looked at your folks' photos from Italy and had to laugh at the one of Max with the guidebook - somehow it looked so familiar!
Hi - put a few photos on from Italy - lots more to look at when you get back. Didn't see any wild boar but lots of other wild life and many trees and hills. Went on the smallest jet we've ever been on - only 3 seats in a row and I could barely stand up and the smallest sandwiches you've ever seen. Excellent food in Italy including leg of a young calf and loads of clams but the dippy oil wasn't up to usual standard.
According to this morning's news Maths teachers are going to able to earn up to 50K so it looks like you've made a good choice.
Hi abs. Glad to hear everything?s going ok for you there. We got back from Italy a few days ago and I?m already fed up to the back teeth of being at work. At least the England football team are giving me something to look forward to. Italy was great though the weather was a bit rubbish at first. I won?t bore you with the details but I will say that:
a.) we saw an otter in the middle of Florence
b.) the Italian TV weather is done by army men in uniform. Our favourite was Colonel Massimo
I?m sure your dad has plenty of photos he can stick on this site if it?s possible. Good luck for your travels and keep an eye on those spiders.
Julia And Steve
Hi Abbi
Pleased to hear that everything is going OK. Not sure about the tarantulas and poisonous snakes. Jon was horrified at the thought of one on your hand. He's scared of spiders! How are you coping with the heat? It's a miserable 12 degrees here today and we've had to put the heating on. We're off to Spain in two weeks and then I'll be complaining about the heat. (Let's face it she's always complaining - S) We could do with you to give us some Spanish lessons.
Adios amigo
Hasta la vista, baby (what the hell does that mean anyway?) We''ll be back!
Hello there. Am very impressed by your very own website! Had a little tear in my eye when I saw the piccies of you all together in London - you all look so grown-up and beautiful! Glad to hear you're having a good time. I guess it will be a bit of a shock when you leave your pink fluffy house to start a project, but good luck. Am doing fine - thanks for your email. Will senda big email to you all soon. Take care, lots of love ALice XXX
Sun.June13th 5.0p.m. I didn't look on your site until today. I couldn't believe you would have had the opportunity to update your web-page so soon. I am so glad you all persuaded me to learn to use a computer. I really feel as if we can all share your escitement while it is still fresh. You didn't say how the temperature was affecting you. I suppose it depends on other things as well as the heat. You dad has made me a disc of all those photos you took of your birthday party and your climbing activities. I have never used a message board before so another first. He also took that geographical 3D disc for your mum to be able to play about and see what we saw. By the way your e-mail did not come to me but Sue forwarded it on. I can't think why. If you had the screen name wrong I probably won't get others too. Have a great time.
Mum And Dad
Great to hear all your news. It sounds fantastic. Can't wait to see the photo of Abbi with a tararantula on her hand - hope we can see the rest of you or at least some distinguishing mark so we can tell it's really you. Quito sounds an interesting city. Looking forward to hearing next report from your first project, hope the transfer goes well.
Hi - all sounds great - nice that the family are so friendly. If you can't get your pictures downloaded it may be that the PC operating system is old and doesn't automatically recognise the camera. Try using Windows Explorer (right click the start menu and select Explore) and search for your camera as a hard drive - you may be able to see the pictures as files which you can then copy. If that doesn't work then you may need to install the drivers from the www.nikon.com website - go to downloads to find the drivers and install them - if you're allowed to.
Hi Abs
Glad you have arrived safely, can't imagine where you are so looking forward to seeing some pics if you manage to download any. Was so impressed with your camera, me & T decided to join the civilised world and bought one last week - so I can send you lots of photos of ME!!! Offer on the flat was refused, quite glad actually cos we've seen a house round the corner from us that we like, opposite the tennis courts and got 3 beds - v nice. Had a job interview yesterday for Sales & Marketing manager - went really well, but you never know do you - think I quite want it but it's up in the Valleeeeys near Aberdibdob so would have to get a car :-( Responsable for overseas sales so maybe chance to travel still which is cool, cos I'd be sad to give that up. One of the sales team is called Candy too - never worked with someone called Candy - that would be a bit strange! Anyway hope you have recovered from jetlag and enjoying life, hope there aren't too many bugs! Big Hugs XXXX
Have just found your postcard from Quito, this site rocks!
I remember rice and beans very fondly, can't beat starch for comfort value!