Hi Abs, sounds like you're having loads of fun... wish I was there to see your face with the cow, snails + tarantella...can imagine! :) Anyway, it all makes my lunch time more interesting! Ahh, it's only a matter of time until I get to be out there - will have to have a get together when you're back for me to plan! Finally, you'll be thrilled to hear that I managed to make it all the way around the 2nd mountain bike marathon last week, without ending up in hospital! Anyway, lunch over.. R
Hiya Abbi
Good to hear you're having an amazing time! Am very jealous!! Is great that all your efforts are going to good causes too, I'm sure they're appreciated! Stunning photos, keep them coming!
Am in Wales this week learning how to Survive in Hostile regions, interesting but no where near as exciting as your travels!
Keep in touch
love Woolly xx
Hi Abbi. Cheers for keeping me posted. Great photo's, and your postcard sounds good too. Things have been pritty wet in the UK recently, but I did manage to do a quality long peak limestone HVS a few wks ago. I am also going to the Dolomites next month to do some via ferrata syle climbing, trekking and most likely a downhill course with my cousin who now lives out there.
Rich Houghton
Hi Abs ... thanks for the updates. Great to hear all you're doing and see the evidence online too, good work! Keep having fun and catch up when you get back ...
Mum And Dad
Not for Abbi really, just a quick congratulations to Jenny and Tim. Great news
Hey Abs
Sounds like you're having a fantastic time, now that I can read your site again after having deleted the link - duh! Am writing this from Jon's - he says Hi. I flew in yesterday from Perth and am here just for the weekend - really not looking forward to leaving him again. Last night he met me at the airport and took me as a surprise to see ... The Lion King!!! It was AMAZING - the best surprise ever! Well love will right more soon, all about my African travels!
Lots of love
hola chica! sounds like like you're having a fab time, can't believe its a month already! photos look great will look forward to seeing them when you get back to (not so sunny) brighton. have done all my spanish exams so enjoying the rest from that but otherwise things here are the same as ever, plodding along ... reading all of this has made me want to do something different even more.
hope the next project is as cool (or better) than la Hesperia
hasta luego
Jenny Head (Soon To Be Deere)
Hi Ab I can't tell you how brilliant it is to share all your experiences through the messages and photos, what a fab idea! I think we should all just have message boards anyway so we can fill each other in on what we've been up to. You sound like you are having the most amazing time and have settled in really well. I hope you have made friends. I have to say that holding the Spider thing (i say thing, becasue I couldn't believe it was actually a spider it was so big!) was truly an act of bravery and I'm most impressed. I 'll try and send you a photo of my engagement ring in an email.... we're quite fancying going abroad actually but no decisions made at the mo' depends on what various people think at this stage. My Dad has already taken to calling himself Father of the Bride!!!!
Hola! I've come to check it all out again and it looks and sounds great. You are certainly getting to do lots of different things, whitewater-rafting, cool!
I remeber digginf foundations out in the Dominican. It used to rain every afternoon so we would spedn every morning slopping the water out of the foudnations with buckets ankle-deep in minging water! Aw, the memories!
I had a fab time in LA and Vegas and am very much looking forward to the summer hols though DIY is going to be the main activity, not quite white-water-rafting but just as much fun John assures me!
All the best for the rest of your trips, I'll keep checking in!
Hi - great to see all the photos and mum was really pleased to hear your voice - sorry I wasn't in. Sounds like a great trip. I'm going to download teh pictures to a CD for security and have noticed they are a lot lower resolution than they come off the camera. The files are only 48K instaead of 680K so the site obviously reduces the size to minimise their storage costs. That means you'll lose a lot of sharpness in the images so you ought to try to keep the important ones in the camera or Email them as they are - to me at work perhaps then I can save them for you.
Betty Higgins
I have read your e-mail and also looked at your photos as of July 4th/5th. The photos taken at night were truly amazing. You are getting really good at using your cameral and doing the necessary technical things to allow us all to share it. Your dad rang me to tell me they were there. Guess what, they had been to the library to access all your stuff. He explained how to get all the pictures, but I found it really simple. Not like the photos of George that Carlyn had tried to send me by e-mail. I unloaded them an the media player kicked in instead of the photo and then promptly told me it could not access. So I shall need to have another go at it. I have been away Sunday and Monday - been to Wimbledon and Windsor and only been back an hour ot two. It was well worth it, though a bit challenging for my legs and feet.
Must go now. Look forward to the next update of your thrilling expedition.
Love Grandma
Hi guys!
Is wicked to get all your messages.. glad you are all well, I'm just putting some pictures on my site so have a look! Am off travelling for the next week so should have more news soon.. have been shopping all weekend - my spanish bargaining skills are much improved!
Fi- I think my friend Emma who I met here is doing your course- small world eh? Congrats on getting on..
Al you sound like your having so much fun, cant wait to meet up when you get back!
Higgins's, like the pics! Wil call soon..
Right, bus goes in 30 mins and need to go get my washing!
Speak soon!!
lol abs xxx