Well I've arrived!!
Spent Friday morning in Paris with a lady from the company:) was able to go inside Notre Dame- so so beautiful! The picture I have attached with this post is inside Notre Dame.
My host family picked me up from the train station Friday afternoon in Vannes, they are all lovely. My room is perfect and I have my own bathroom that is huge as it usually my twin host brothers, but they don't live at home anymore.
Yesterday (Saturday), I was sick in the morning which was annoying but all better now. Maryce and Hervé (host parents) took me for a walk around a place called 'the Golf' or something like that, it's where the sea comes into Vannes. Was very beautiful and full of boats! We the went and watched Maïwenn (host sister) play basketball, her team won :) everyone was cheering in French, the atmosphere was great. On the way home we were the first on the scene of a car accident, four girls from Maïwenn's team and their coach were in the one car and the driver lost control. Luckily, everyone is okay:)
When we finally arrived home we ate dinner and then watched France kick Australia's but in the Rugby!!
First day of school tomorrow! Starts at 7.55 in the morning and doesn't finish until 5.35.. LONG DAYS AHEAD!!
A bientôt!
- comments
Dave Fromberg Wooo, thought I'd comment on it! ;) Just for giggs :D hope all continues to go well! :D <3
Jillian Finally.. Great picture. Hope you're going to stay awake at school. Lonnggg day!! Keep smiling. Love u xx
Big Kev Good to hear you have arrived safe and sound Ab. Host family sounds lovely and are right into tour guide mode already! Enjoy your first day of school. Love the hours. Should have had that here in Australia!
Floss Hey Abbey, great to hear you're settling in well and are comfortable with the host family. You have to change your thinking, 8.00 to 5.30 is not a long school day but a long social get together. Cause be honest, not a lot of school work will be done, you'll be too busy making new friends and flirting with the hot French boys! Are you going to join the basketball team or fill in for a few games? Norte dame is not far from where we stated in Paris, just a few blocks away. Have fun and keep us posted. Love floss.
Megan Wow, what a busy start to ur adventure. Glad the family are nice. Enjoy ur first day at school. Xx Megan
Louise Sounds so exciting Abbey! Have fun at your French school :)
Kate How exciting! Hope school day goes ok. Ensuite sounds great (maybe u should get one of those at home)
Olivia Sounds so exciting hehe!! :)