Tonight we're having a date night and celebrating at the Old Stone Butter Factory, because our land went unconditional today! It's been a stressful couple of weeks. Paul and I have spent a lot of time getting quotes for building materials, tradies, a fireplace, carpet, curtains, things for our bathroom etc. Paul and Hans have also put hours into drawing up a floor plan and elevations for our house. We went back to Westpac with our timeline and quotes, as they'd asked for. We had put so much time and effort into organising all the paper work, not realising they were about to make us jump through a few more hoops. In a nutshell, the banks are no longer supportive of builders self-managing their own projects as so many have ended up been mortgagee sales in recent years. We were so close to having our dream of building our own house shattered, but in the end were approved. I can't thank Dad enough for all the phone calls and visits he has made to Westpac over the past week. Without him fighting for us I'm positive that we wouldn't have got this far. However; today our dream did become a reality and I couldn't be happier! I'm having a yummy roast vegetable and feta pizza, with a cold glass of gingerbeer to celebrate.
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