Notes From A Small World
About Adam
Hello and welcome to my final travel blog! After 7 months on the road the time has come for me to finally return home, and I write this blog from my last hotel, which is conveniently situated close to Delhi Airport. A taxi is picking me up tomorrow morning at 5.15am and I am scheduled to fly at 8.15am, landing 9 hours 5 minutes later at 12.…
Welcome to my travel blog 2009/10. I will try and update this as regularly as I can as it also acts as a diary for me to remember what I've done. Hope to be able to get some photos up on my way round too (providing the Internet's not too slow), but will probably use facebook for those. In total I'm away just over 7 months from August 24th-March 28th. I'm mainly travelling on group tours with some time on my own in between. For reference I'm doing the following tours:
Aug 25th-Octobe…
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Kolkata, India
Hello and welcome to my final travel blog! After 7 months on the road the time has come for me to finally return home, and I write this blog from my last hotel, which is conveniently situated …

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Varanasi, India
First of all to the good news - Best Avoided Airways finally confirmed my flight this morning, so I can now breathe easy and look forward to coming home on Sunday. Its a shame they didn't do i…

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Agra, India
Hello from India's biggest tourist hotspot, Agra. The vast majority of travelers to India will visit this city of 1.3 million at some point during their trip to the subcontinent, and the reas…

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Bharatpur, India
I'm now in Agra, but I've a little bit of catching up to do on my blog before I update all about my visit to India's most famous monument, the Taj Mahal. Last I updated I was in Jaipur readyi…

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Jaipur, India
I've been keeping an eye on the temperatures back home ahead of my impending return to Britain, and I saw that yesterday it reached the dizzying heights of 14C in London - the hottest day for …
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