We left Christchurch with lovely blue sky above us we head of to Flock Hill sheep station in the heart of the mountains, it was a pretty cool stop as we got to see sheep being hearded up by the sheep dogs (as you could imagine I was thrilled to have those running around me!) and learnt a little about they sheer the sheep, 300 a day at $2 per sheep, pretty good money, but hard work, not going to be my next profession! It was the Aussie rules final that evening on TV and I got a crash course in the rules from Nigel, very interesting, if not a confusing, game!
We then head onto Fox Glacier where we were booked in on a half day 'hike' up to the glacier! They kitted us up with all of the boots etc and we head off to the glacier, quite a few hundred steps later we arrived on the glacier where our guide informed us of how quickly the landscape is changing, around half a meter from the top of the glacier in one month, crazy. We were told a few horror stories of hikers who have gone astray on there, I would imagine that they had been doing a little more enthusiastic climbing than us! We then had a lovely buffet dinner and some drinks in the bar along with some very odd, colourful locals! And so onto Queenstown, my favourite place so far!!
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