Hey friendayyys!!!
So i just gotta say it... people are BEAUTIFUL here!!! like dammmnnn!!! and it's so much cooler to wear skirts than shorts (i know right gwen in a skirt haha but the past three days i've worn the same skirt cuz my laundry's not done yet) cuz it's HOT here! like i get done my bath and i start sweating again. the only cool part of the day is the morning which i see a lot of cuz i get up at 6:30 if i get to sleep in (mama and baba get up at 5 and promptly turn on the tv and radio so like yesterday for instance i woke up to "if i could write you a song to make you fall in love blah blah blah"). but it's weird 6:30 seems like sleeping in now...
Anyway... so far this has been a SUPER INTENSE and AMAZING experience!! like it's not a matter of if i come back, it's when. cuz there's too much happening here not to come back. i feel really comfortable here... and i hope not falsely cuz i'm definitely a lot more aware of a lot of things that make me uncomfortable and that i think are wrong, aka race and gender issues, but this place just makes me really happy. i'm definitely going to have my ups and downs here (cuz somethings are too real and so intense) but i'm so exciteddd!!! and it's so much funnn!!! i wish you were all here!! i have a lot of things to tell you guys about intense- and fun-wise but i think i'll have to do it laters cuz i'm not technically supposed to be using the internet right now (oops) but i wanna say i love and miss you all and I'M HAVING SUCH A FREAKIN GREAT TIME!!!!
lots of love!
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