Megan Callaghan - Had a great time and have made some amazing friends along the way which I hope to see again soon along the way of my guiding journey.
Cleo Newbury - My favourite bit was staying at our cabana as I got to meet lots of new people and the volunteers where amazing especially Alejandra.
Alyse Costello - The sun and moon pyramids where cool.
Layla Barrett - I liked the sun and moon pyramids the best because the view was amazing!!
Charlotte Marinelli - Mexico was a really good experience for us all. We all made new friends and became closer as a ranger unit. Our cabana was such a fun place to be and we did some amazing things whilst there.
Georgia Barrett - Mexico was the best trip I've been on with this unit. At Our Cabana I have made lots of new friends and been to lots of interesting places which I enjoyed. My favourite part of Mexico was the pyramids and having lots of fun at Our Cabana.
Megan Johnson - Whilst in Mexico we visited a lot of churches, I was also very disappointed in the lack of guacamole & avocados. However we most importantly bonded more as a unit, and with girls from other groups, as well as the volunteers and programme staff at Our Cabana. I know some members of the group were more disappointed when we had to leave because of one volunteer in particular.
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