Another public bus for three and a half hours to Phnom Penh, with a two hour stop-off in town before heading back on it. We looked around the huge malls and found that Asian clothes are most definitely not made for six foot girls - found this out whilst trying on some shorts behind a makeshift curtain in the middle of the market! Living dangerously indeed.
Anjali and I ate ice cream near the local children, delighting in our finds that looked a whole lot better than they tasted. We opted out of the knock-off DVDs, instead heading for some chicken!
A private bus took us all up to Chambok for our homestay visit; the three couples had a boudoir-type room, whilst us mere mortals had mattresses on the floor! Mosquito nets included though, so shouldn't complain... and the girls' furniture was pink.
After dumping our things we headed up to the waterfall, where I realised wearing long linen trousers to fend off the mosquitos was not worth the bucket-loads of sweat that poured off me. Nice. It's times like these people fail to believe I climbed a mountain - when I look like a dripping muppet after two minutes' walking. I did, I did!
The actual waterfall was up on some big rocks, which I was too chicken to scale unfortunately, so ended up looking on as most of the group cooled under the cascading water. Some more walking downhill followed, with one of the older ladies being brought back on a motorbike as darkness descended. A fresh set of clothes later and we were ready for dinner - a few local dishes that were topped up continuously and went down very well, although the dragon fruit wasn't all that great as a dessert. Alas.
As the car batteries that were providing us with power only lasted an hour, we set off to bed at the wicked time of 8pm, only to hear the lads drinking beer for another two hours in the dark - quite possibly a much better option than trying to sleep on the floor. Sleep was a disturbed affair, as I frequently woke up thinking mosquitos and ants were marhcing an army across my legs, and I could have sworn something dropped onto my head. I think Anjali may have thought the same thing as I accidentally whacked her in the head to fend off whatever had attacked me!
A buzzing woke us up in the night too, it was accompanied by some soothing music that soon lost its abilites once it ran on for half an hour! Eventually Isabella woke up and turned her phone alarm off, but was adamant it hadn't been going on that long when we told her in the morning. It certainly had - she was the only one who didn't hear it because she was fast asleep!
Roosters and dogs were the next alarm. Roll on buzzing of hotel air-conditioning!
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