Too Cold For Penguins
Happy New Year Everyone!
We hope you all enjoyed Christmas and celebrated the New Year like a good un! Andy and Megan joined us for Christmas with a yummy Crimble BBQ and one or two drinks on the beach afterwards. Then on Boxing Day we saw Pakistan vz Oz at the MCG test along with another 61,500 fans - brilliant! We're heading up the East Coast in our little campervan now. We drove down the Great Ocean Road on the first day to see what all the fuss is about and it was pretty scenic but the weather was a bit iffy. Strangely since we've left Victoria it's been a lot warmer.
We saw the fireworks for New Year in Sydney, but it wasn't what we had planned because we had to see the earlier show and get the train back to where we were camping a zillion miles away because like dorks we didn't book a campsite until the last minute and couldn't get near the city - doh! But it was still amazing and we shed a little tear of emotion. We celebrated the New Year under the stars in the middle of nowhere and it was very romantic.
On New Years Day we drove into the Blue Mountains and spent the day sightseeing, it was very busy! The drive between Sydney and Brisbane hasn't been quite as scenic as we had imagined but we've stopped in some nice towns. We tried to stop a while in Byron Bay but it was heaving. Mental note for the future, the festive period is possibly not the best time to visit the East Coast of Australia to camp - it's hideously crowded.
We're in Brisbane now and bizarrely lost an hour without realising it. Been in Queensland for 24 hrs now and only found out a few minutes ago that we've gone back one hour. We just thought that all their clocks were wrong! We're going to spend today in the city and hopefully visit the zoo soon for some serious Koala hugging woohoo, Ben can barely contain himself.
Thanks for all the nice messages! Take care!
Love from Hels and Ben xxxxx
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