All very hungover, Sarah and I Checked out, and booked our bus and transfer!
We had a good Breakfast then Played scrabble with the guys, had lunch and then decided to cancel our bus and extend another night!! We just loved it here!
Callum, Stephan and Lewis arrived, these were guys we met at castaways! We Rebooked everything for the next day with Callum and Stephan and managed to share a taxi with them!
Ryan, Karl and I then went out on a Bicycle ride to get beers as it was so expensive in ninvhana! We were in the middle of no where so was really hard to find anything! We ended up finding a crate from a family home and then tied it to the back of Karla bike with string! It kept slipping which was funny! We also came across a jetty which was in the local village, there was a boat which was full of cute little children!
We then Came back and had Dinner then got ready for gender bender night! That meant the ladies wear guys clothes and the guys wear ladies clothes.
We Played 21 again and Everyone swapped clothes, we wore the boys shirts! It was funny cause the guys really loved wearing girls clothes - never seen them so excited!
We then went down to the bar, Ryan and Tom Cycled round pool as they entered!
Kyle was really drunk! Sarah and I decided to Bum gun wash our feet as they were so dirty - bad move! Stephan was grinding on bar and tables in his mini skirt and we were dancing on the tables!
Ryan and I had Cuddles round two and Sarah fell asleep in a deckchair outside the reps room! Kyle thought he lost his shoes but Ryan hid them and they chucked his suitcase out the bedroom window! Crazy!
I then went to bed and avoided the arguments between the boys in our room!
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