This is a long one. Don't say I didn't warn you! It's also been written over many, many days so at this point the tenses are totally out of whack.
Getting To Córdoba
The start of my bus trip to Córdoba was interesting. Trying to be sensible, I got to the bus station forty-five minutes before the bus was due to leave. Departure time came and went with no bus. To say I was worried, nervous and freaking out a little, would be an understatement. Obviously I thought I had somehow missed the bus or it had been cancelled and now I was stuck in Mar Del Plata late at night with no accommodation. One visit to the ticket office an hour and a half post departure time, and I was assured the bus was still running and 5 minutes away. I was doubtful. But lo and behold, it did turn up and boy was I relieved! And so almost two hours after departure time, we were off.
I'll tell you Argentina has long distance bus travel sewn up. I'm talking big spacious seats with actual leg room, a foot rest and that recline far back, excellent on an overnight bus rise. In cama they feed you a meal at least once and give you water, tea and coffee. Much more than I was expecting.
So obviously the above was written at the start of my journey. Because 13 hours later we're still not there and are currently stopped indefinitely in Villa Maria, to fix the AC I hope. For the last five hours (at least) we have been without AC and it is hot, sticky and unbearable. The lack of communication from the buys drivers, not that I'd understand it, adds to the massive frustration. They motion for us to get back on the bus. You know when you're out and you take your high heels off cause your feet are sore? And then when you put them back on, they hurt even more. Getting back on the bus feels like that. It's impossibly hotter, but at least we are away...or so I thought. A short drive around the corner and we are back at the Terminal de Omnibus, where we'd been only 45 minutes ago. However there is a man with a toolbox. A promising sign....and we have AC. Hallelujah!
I am finally in Córdoba. 17 hours later, or 19 really if you count the delay in Mar Del Plata. What a trip!
Backpacker/Hostel Life
I'm getting into this backpacking lifestyle. It's day 12 and I am yet to wash my hair and haven't showered for 3 days. I went out to get juice and happily went out in public in my PJs. Shaving my legs, meh cbf. Who am I?! I also have to note than in this most feral state, I still managed to attract a Peruvian guy. He literally stared at me for hours, barely talking to me. Although in his defence, he doesn't really speak English. But teaching me to play pool, which I am terrible at, seemed to give him the confidence to make a move. And as much to my surprise as yours, I went for it.
I am indulging in Argentina's two ciliary loves, steak and ice cream. Argentine steak is f***ing AMAZING and so, so cheap. You can buy 2 huge steaks for 8
10 pesos, or approximately AUD$2. I will definitely be eating steak every dinner until I leave Argentina.
This hostel is my favourite so far. There are eggs at breakfast! The other night a French girl played accordion and sang in French, it was brilliant. Not going to lie, I was totally in love with her. And then this guy got out his guitar, and honestly, it was magical. Everyone is super friendly and just hanging out at the hostel on Sunday was excellent. Everything, except for the odd kiosco was shut. As a tourist it's a little annoying, but I like the sentiment of it. It's fun to meet new people and have conversations about anything, everything and nothing. Sitting out in the courtyard at night, drinking, smoking (not me promise...well not cigarettes at least) and chatting the night away.
Córdoba Activities
I really haven't seen that much in Córdoba. Too busy with steak and drinks. Oh wells!
A bunch of us visited Ché Guevara's childhood home. The entry was a rip off, but it was really interesting. South America has so much history and it just reminds me that Australia is a baby compared to every other continent. Also a bit terribly this was the first museum I've been to.
On Monday night, Marcel one of the hostel receptionists BBQd us the most amazing dinner. Chicken, beef, cheese, corn, capsicum, potato, salad, bread and tzatziki. I was so, so full and yet every time the BBQd cheese came, there was room for more. It was so, so happy making.
I finally managed to get my hands on an English book. Hooray! Now the challenge will be to read slowly and make it last.
So today, Tuesday (or martes in Spanish) involved the quest for sushi, which was a fail. The restaurant was closed and we ended up eating a mall foot court. But the main point of today, is that it is needle day. Bri, this English girl was meant to be getting immunizations but that didn't end up happening. But she also wanted to get a tattoo. So Bri, Billy, Sam, Sascha and I found a tattoo shop but it was closed for siesta time. We return at opening time with Sarah too and it's still shut! After asking for directions we find another tattoo shop and honestly it looks more legit than the first one. Bri and Sam get set up for their tattoos, and it was all good. Due to certain adventures, I lost my nose stud. Disaster. Anyhow, one tattoo shop later and I'm all fixed up. Afterwards celebratory beers sounds like a great idea. This fails too and inevitably we end up back at the hostel backyard, drinking, smoking, singing along to Billy and Sam's guitar playing. We have all been comparing books, or travel journals. Bri has inspired me to start a bucket list cause her's is awesome. And I want to do this thing I saw on tumblr. You write notes of everything good that happens to you, big or small, put it in a jar and on NYE you empty the jar and see all the awesome stuff that happened. 2013 has much potential already.
On Tuesday evening, Kendra from Chicago made pizza and far out, it was incredible. I'm realising the majority of this post is about food but what's a girl to do when she is so spoilt for choice? Then her friend, Erin brought out her little guitar and started singing. Her voice is excellent, very folky and reminds me of Lisa Mitchell or Julia Stone. Another magical music moment. Then after dinner we stayed up til 3 watching the last Lord of the Rings. Brilliant!
And now it is Wednesday and it's time to leave. I'm really sad to go. This hostel is amazing and I've had so much fun here and met the best people. But on I must go, cause I already feel like time is running out. So it's of to Mendoza, my last stop in Argentina.
CAROLE WARNING: maybe don't read this next bit. You won't like it.
As a spur of the moment decision, I got a tattoo. I went along to the tattoo shop just to watch. Although I planned to get at least one tattoo on this trip, I wasn't going to do it here. But at the tattoo shop, I decided why not now? Sorry mum!
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