Sounds like you are having an amazing time - enjoy the rest of your trip lots of love kristin xx
Just looked through the Koh Samui album. Great to see you girls all having such a good time and especially to see the three Hirds all looking so happy together. xx
Mike Hird
My word ! These backpacking hostels look a lot more comfortable than I imagined !
Rob - (Humberston Cc)
Hey Emily some great pics there, looks like your having a great time, best the great wall was amazing to see. Happy Birthday i guess dint even know sorry. im still at the country club and things have changed alot since you left new faces all over again. keep in touch chic. lots of love Rob :)
Hi Em! Happy birthday for yesterday!!! Sorry didn't get to do this then but I was thinking of you during the day. Hope you had a good one. Al and I are fine. He's especially happy now that AS exams are over - party time..!Seb is good too, into his last month in Japan and doing really well. To listen to him you'd think he was fluent though he insists that he isn't. He can certainly say 'ah so' with the best of them, anyway. Lindsay and I had a super trip out to see him last month, found Japan to be a very interesting place with hugely friendly and polite people. They bow to you all the time!! You can't help joining in and before you know it you're bobbing along with them all. They must find us insufferably rude when they come over here. Even the baggage handler bowed to the bus as it pulled away from the bus stop! Hope you continue to enjoy your time away, I'm sure you will, take care, see you in the autumn, lots v love, Fiona xxxxxxxxxxx
Auntie Wendy
Happy Birthday Em! Carry on having a lovely time. Hope you had a lovely day. I will send something through the post via your Mum.
Grandma and Grandad send their love
Lots of love
Auntie Wendy, Uncle Mike, Alex and Eddie
Grandma & Grandad Peel
A Happy Birthday wish! We are always thinking of you.
Grandma and Grandad
Auntie Wend
Hi Em. Looks like you're having a fantastic time! Are you ever going to want to come home? (Perhaps when you run out of clean knickers!) All this make our holiday to Barmouth seem a little tame! Al, Ed and Uncle Mike all send their love. Carry on carrying on. Lots of love Auntie Wendy
Mother King
Hi you lot - thanks for the update it's absolutely cracking - I was well cheered up. Got home at 10.00 pm after 5 hours at the hospital with Granny and read it all and feel loads better! Don't know if it's your blog or the wine I'm intravenously having which is having the most effect!!! You are so so lucky you lot, I do hope you realise. You sound to be having the absolute time of your lives (and mine!). So pleased for you. I hope China lives up to expectations. Keep in touch. Miss you lots and lots and lots . . . . (6 weeks to the wedding Nats!!!! ) Looking forward to a cuddle!! Love to all of you. Mum xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Grandma & Grandad Peel
Dear Emily
Have just read your newsy report. What a wonderful life! We are well. Happy travels in your next country.
Love Grandma and Grandad
Dad Hird
Emily - swimming with the fishes ! what next - you'll be getting a tan if you're not careful !
Mother Hird
The new photos look fantastic !! Well done Em on the snorkelling !! Yes, come on girls a bit more of the written word would be very good. Everybody sends their love and take care having a wonderful time. We are all so jealous !! Lots and lots of love Mum xxx