Wow so we are finally on our homeward bound trip back to England. Saying Goodbye to Australia was hard but saying Goodbye to our Australia friends was the hardest thing we have ever done. However we do not fear it was a final goodbye I am sure we will return but they too will come and find us in England. Just for now ..... Goodbye Catherine no middle name, Bec C Sutton and the rest of the gang at Duke street thank you for everything!!!
Going to the airport was unreal it didn't feel like the end, it felt like it was just another trip around Oz but no this was a one way flight out of Australia bound for Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to start our South East Asia tour.
The flight wasn't as bad as first imagined, it was a cheap flight company but other than us being cheap and not paying for food it was ok but long and boring without your state of the art media system but hey it was only £100 pounds.
We touched down 9 hrs later and as soon as we left the plane it was like being back in Brissy again! The heat was so intense and it was 6pm in the evening. We choose all the wrong lines which doubled our time out of the airport but we were through without any problems and back on the road with our lives in little backpacks on our backs. As soon as we left the doors all the excitement and stress of travelling returned tones of people shouting "pick us, pick us" and this was just a bus trip to the city. Being cheap we choose the cheapest and navigated our way from the airport and to our hostel using the monorail, there may have been a few small detours but nothing too major.
Hostel Cosmopolitian gave us a great insight into what was to be expected from Malaysia and that was of a more Indian culture than a Asian. We had to remove our shoes on entering the property and drinking alcohol was prohibited. However we were a little jet lagged and very tired already so we just dumped our bags and went on a food hunt, which ment going next door to the curry house. Now I think either they didn't understand us or they like to play with the tourist but their non spicey hot curries were eye watering and mouth burning, but we wouldn't be beaten as they watched us we ate every mouthful but drank a lot of water and planned our plan of attack. This was not so successful as we were all so tired and crashed and burned as soon as our little bodies hit the sack.
Morning came and it was a very late morning as our room was pitch black and we were all very tired and obviously needed our sleep. Thankfully Shereen had finally sorted her life out and had her flight booked back to England one stress down with only a few remaining. We ate our free breakfast of toast and I'm going to say it radioactive butter, seriously I have never seen butter this yellow and got ready for our day out in Kuala Lumpur.
First stop post office to send Shereen home, sorry I mean Shereen's stuff home which went smoother than planned then we were free to wonder.
Next stop the Petronas Twin Towers. From all around the city you could see the beauty of these towers and it is a must on a Kuala Lumpur visit. So we set off map in hand. I was very impressed with my map Reading skills and navigated our way with no problems, crossing roads was a little difficult at times but we made. They were huge standing below looking up high into the sky towered these two identical towers. They were circular in shape, well techincally they were made of two squares positioned in a 8 pointed star with semi circles inbetween the points of the stars. The exterior was made up of strips of glass windows with strips of shine steal inbetween each. Getting smaller as it rose to the top before finishing with a huge spike with a ball in the middle. The buildings represent their religion of islamic They were not only impressive but archeticually beautiul. We took our photos to prove we were there and obviously some silly ones too and rushed inside in hope of some tickets for the sky bridge that connects the two towers. Although the sign said no more tickets at only 11am we went in search to ask and we were in luck tickets were still available but not until 4.40pm. So we decided to visit the city Market to get our gringo clothes ready to become travellers again.
The Market wasn't quite as we expected, it had lots of stalls but they were not selling Gringo clothes :(!! So lunch it was and yes I'm sorry to say but we headed to Maccy D's for our first western food. It was great but in comparision expensive and not adventerous so let's keep this to a minimum.
With tired legs and a lost sense of direction we decided a trip back to the hostel to try and regroup and plan a Malaysia route before our trip up the towers was the best idea. Again we were unsuccessful in our plan as the 3 day trips were expensive and over budget and possibly just taking the easy route so we scratched all these ideas but realised time was upon us and we needed to leave otherwise we would miss out.
The walk was further than planned and took a little longer, for some reason others found it hard to keep up with my walking pace they said it was because of the heat and my long legs...hmmmm! However made it just in time to join the queue for a quick video briefing about how fabulous the oil company Petronas is and how they are more than just a oil company. It felt very space age like in a film when a company says they will take over the world. Luckily it was brief and we were soon hushered through the security gates like in an airport and into the super fast double decker lifts up to the 41st floor of 88. From here we were allowed to wonder the sky bridge and marvel at the views to the left and right over KL. We didn't have long but there wasn't much so we took our photos and our time was done.
Knowing that this building was a shimmering beauty by day but a sparkling star by night we wanted to stick around to see her shine by night so we set off and shopped the huge mall that was lined with British shops that were at riduclous prices. It was a good job we had emptied our backpacks to allow room. We will return to buy more at a later date I'm sure. We were lost in ore at the mall that we didn't realise the time, however the sun had gone to bed and the night sky had set in so we took our bags and cameras outside for some more snap happy times.
The twin towers were better at night than during the day, they shone brightly maybe not so Eco friendly but it didn't matter they looked awesome. I think it took everyones breathe away. We left to journey back to the hostel with smiles on our faces that we had seen the best attraction and agreed in KL, Malaysia.
Back at the hostel after long dilberation we finally made a plan to leave the next day bound for the Cameron Highlands. We still had one more attraction to squeeze in, but it would only take a few hours in the morning and then we would be free to stress over transport to our next destination. With an early start we packed our bags and called it a night, maybe a little later than we wanted but we were ready.
The next day we were rudly awoken, by a silly girl who disobeyed the rule of putting the light on while people were sleeping. However this was a great wake up call for us to get moving. We checked out and dumped our bags while we set off to find the train. Knowing we were leaving Shereen on her own for a few days while we dived we decided that she could do everything direction, plannings and most importantly decision for our trip to the Batu Caves. We took the easiest route by jumping on the monorail to the train central and with only minutes to go we grab our tickets and were on the train to our destination for only 20pence!!! (this is why I love travelling Asia it is so cheap!!).
Entering into the temple area we were greeted by a huge monkey statue, that was green for some reason with a pink nose. We walked through past the gardens and ponds that were filled with hugh koi, and up to the entrance to the caves. Our faces dropped with what we saw ahead of us..... A lovely huge statue that is the largest of her size in the world protecting the caves but although impressive this wasn't what had stunned us. The 272 steps that lead up the rock face scared us, with this humidity we would die. But we had come all this way to see this cave so we set off up the steps, it was easier than planned the White monkeys that fought and stole tourist food kept you occupied and made you keep your eyes peeled for them. At the top the floor plateau into this huge cave full of tacky souviener shops which spoilt it but amongst the shops were statues and monuments that were shrines to the Buddist religion. We walked through and although you couldn't spot the bats you could hear the squecks coming from above. Their were several temples inside and lots of tourist getting pictures with monks for a price and even lighting candles and being blessed, however my thoughts have changed and as I don't follow this religion I feel it disrespectful to just pay for the pleasure of my tourist picture. Still I watched others until it was time to descend the 272 steps. It was cool to look over the whole of KL from the top and to watch the others struggling up while you skipped the easy part down. We caught the train back to the hostel after a log delay but grabbed our bags and trundles off to the bus station in hunt for our bus to the Cameron Highlands.
Our time in Kuala Lumpur was different not what we expected however they do have some fabulous sites, we will return and check these out but at a later date I feel. For now we are moving on.
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