Hi again, I am here now to tell you where I just was and how it was. OK now I am going to tell you where I was… Drum roll please… I went to ICELAND!!!!!
All right now I am going to tell you how Iceland was. I thought it was super cool, but also super cold AND windy. I got off the plane late at night and went straight to the hotel. Once we got there we got checked in then the driver (who brought us to the hotel) came inside and told me "The Northern Lights are outside come and see them!" So I went outside and there they were, right in front of me! They were green, blue, and purple all together! After about five minutes of standing outside looking at them I decided to go inside again. After a good nights rest I met up with my Gran. All of us sat down for breakfast together, and before you know it my Gran yells out "Is that a goat running up the mountain?" Now I didn't see any thing but a while later I do see one so I guess it was. I would have never thought that there would be goats in Iceland because-
1. It is VERY COLD!
2. They don't have much to keep themselves warm!
Next of all I am going to tell you all of the cool places that I went to!
1st -we went to the Blue Lagoon, which is the best hot spring in all of Iceland. The hot water comes from deep in the earth and is full with nutrients. There is this one nutrient and it is very good for your skin cells but terrible for your hair. It is called Silica. It is white, creamy, and has a few little lumps in it. You can buy it in pretty much any store in Iceland but we grabbed it from boxes in the hot springs and smeared it all over our faces for free.
2nd- we went to the Mid-Atlantic ridge, which is a big crack in the earth. This crack, though sounds boring, is very interesting. It is the break between the American and European tectonic plates!! We would've walked between it but there was no safe place to get in. 1 inch a year these plates spread apart from each other. Inside of this 'Ridge' hot lava is underground and bubbles up (there is always the possibility of an unlikely event that lava will fly out like a volcano eruption). The lava bubbles up and hardens which makes new land so Iceland is always growing bigger and the USA and UK are always getting farther apart- 1 inch a year!
3rd- we saw the Geyser. When we went to see the Geyser it was the coldest place of them all. The wind was literally blowing us around like a piece paper. We were standing outside waiting for the geyser to blow. We stood there in the freezing cold for about 15 minutes until we saw a great big bubble in the water hole then the water was sucked into the hole and BOOM the bubble burst! Luckily we got it on video but it looked awesome!! Here are some facts about the geyser! The hole that the water comes out from is 20m deep! It is 127 degrees C at the bottom of the "hole" and 100 degrees C at the top of the "hole". It gets heated up the bottom and turns into gas then the gas has no where to go so it just shoots up!! By the way, the geyser that I saw was not Geysir (the biggest geyser) we saw the smaller one named Strokkur. This one shoots up to 25-35 meters high!
!! Interesting Facts!!
Here's a little bit about the Aurora- The Aurora is actually when gas from the sun (sun fart) flies off of the sun and into the atmosphere it then takes 18 hours for that to reach earth.
Now some about one of the weird foods they eat- One of the weird foods in Iceland is HORSE!!! Although they don't really eat horse, they tend to like foal better!!! They eat horse/foal more than beef!! People on the internet say that they have "horse dogs"!!
That was strange now lets go to sad - Ok this is so sad. You know those cute Polar Bears well they don't live in Iceland!! But they are there?!?!?!?! They do live in Greenland and here is the sad bit…They float on icebergs across to Iceland!!! They starve and starve on their way and once they get to Iceland they are starving so they start attacking!! People then have to put them down.
LAVA FIELDS!! -The lava fields in Iceland are amazing! If they are up to 800 years old moss will be growing on it (the moss is called Cetraria Islandica) If the lava field is 1200 years old there will be that moss AND GRASS on the lava!!
That is it for Iceland, except to say I LOVED IT.
Stay tuned for clues about my next destination.
- comments
Mom Wow- eating horse sure is different from our customs. When you see all those lava fields and realize that not many things easily grow there I guess you can understand how this came to be. So...what do you think about global warming after hearing first hand about the trend over the last 3-4 years of polar bears on floating ice caps ending up on Icelandic shores?