Maplewood Acres RV Park
Bainsville, Ontario, Canada
Well folks today's adventures included the not so bright, an endurance test and some embarrassment.
We made 508 miles today. Average 48 mph. Two drivers helped but it was a real test in patience and endurance. All those Canadian going home on the 401 made for a Houston rush hour traffic type of event that must have stretched for 200 miles. I have never seen that much bumper to bumper traffic for that long. Lots of highway patrol on the road.
Speaking of highway patrol, It did take a while to learn to translate the kilometers to miles per hour. The important kph numbers on my speedometer dial have faded to the point you can't read them. So we settled on 40 mph = 60 kph, and 60 mph = 100 kph. So far no tickets for speeding. (-:
Rick has had the uncanny ability to come up with campgrounds that are wonderful. The Maplewood is out in the boonies about 12 kilometers off the main highway near Bainsville nestled in the a thick stand of Maple trees. After the Canada Day crush departed the camp was deserted and we had our pick of spots and some real solitude for a change.
After availing ourselves of the showers and the laundry facilities, Rick and I sat outside and talked until the wee hours drinking scotch and bourbon eating tuna snacks Sheri had put in my food box. It was too far back to civilization to pull up stakes and find a local eatery.
The first night in the camper was double goat show in closet. The second night was a much more organized evolution. The one wrinkle yet to be satisfactorily worked out are the a priore bathroom visits.
Exiting the camper and waking the other person is a minor issue of consideration when your camper is parked a considerable walk from the camp facilities. So what to do? We are in a deserted rv campground, shade trees all around us and I have an empty ½ gallon milk jug. Now what the hell that lady with a lantern was doing walking around in my neck of the woods at 4 AM is beyond me but startled we both were. I mean what do you say to a lady with a milk jug in one hand and … Enough said. (-:
I tuned into an AM country western music radio station somewhere between Priddy and Comanche, Texas on my to Ok City and heard the greatest reframe to C&W song I have ever heard: "Now I'm too old to have died to young".
And with that I'll close it for today. (-:
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