oops, think I just posted you a message with nothing on by accident!! I'm so great at all this technology malaki! Well, you gorg liccle crumpets, we've just been admiring your pictures and cannot believe how much you have done, in what feels like a really short space of time. You both look really happy and as though you are really enjoying it. Life back here in sunny Plymouth is just the same! Rich starts University in a couple of weeks now....yes, he's going to be a bum for the next few years! very excited about it! Sod! Apart from that, nothing has changed! god, we lead an exciting life! Am loving the pocohontus look Sam! Very fetching and one for the bedroom I feel....lucky Mr Wilson! Anyway, hope you both carry on having a fab time. Lots of love to you both and keep up the good photos! Have fun.xxxxx
Grandmaster Seck And The Furious 3
south america what a joke . today i've been to ...wait for it ...."romford"put that in your peruvian pipe and smoke it.. west worthing is on the cards for tomorrow.i hope your going to be in early tomorrow it's september 1st. new registration.speak soon.
you will now be able to reach me on my new web site. stevesecklovescarsandthemotortrade.com
Yo Wilsy's! Nice beard Mr wilson, seki has blown up the picture of you in your pants 'beware'!!. You both look like you are having a brilliant time looks amazing. Well jealous!! Take Care Love Natxxxxx
Jean @stan
Just been looking at all your photo,s you certainly are having a wonderful time, We liked Andys growth on his face definatley looks like the intrepid explorer. Good luck on the next venture. xx
Mrs Arnie
Hey Andy, just looked at the photos of you with make up on - this is getting to be quite a habit with you now isn't it! Do you remember the photos - you, pink dressing gown, fluffy slippers and Sam's make up bag! Maybe I should put those up here!!
Enjoy New Zealand guys - it'll be a ripper!!
Sam - look at me when I need to sing! xx
Mrs Arnie x
Fiona Sister/in-Law!
Been a bit slack lately i know, but when i'm not working i really can't be bothered to logon! Thanks so much for my jungle birthday pressie i promise not to boot sale it! Johnboy and i are off to Prague tomorrow (see we travel too) for an adult only mini break. Will e-mail extensively soon. take care, don't work too hard! love you both loads. Fi X
Callie And Paul
WOW WOW WOW, just spent the last hour catching up. Andy - paul will be V.jealous when he sees the porno goatee! still not up to his "wednesday" standard beard though! Sam you look so well even though u appear to have vomitted ur way round most of the planet!! Glad u guys are having a great time, still missing ya both , very weird to think ur now in NZ and we've followed u all the way there without autcally speaking to u !? Enjoying ur adventures, wishin u much future fun and laughs. Big fat kisses from the "Lowe Massive" XXXXXX
Melissa And Andrew
Hello! The jungle looked fantastic, apart from the snake.......this is why you are travelling and we are not!!!!
We cant believe you have done so much in such a short time, it all looks so amazing! Hope you are still enjoying every second and we are looking forward to seeing pictures of you in New Zealand!
Take care, lots of love, Melissa and Andy x
Joan Wilson
Geez. These Wilsons do get around and about. First, up to the neck in jungle, then off to skim down a mountain or two. You should certainly get to NZ during the ski season. so maybe you can hone your skills. But which skills. Jungle trekking? Snorkelling? Snowboarding? Sheep chasing? Barkeeping? Keep at them all!!
Hello Wilsons. Finally managed to find the webiste. The pictures are fab, it's great to see where you have been and hear about all you have been up to. Andy your hair appears to have vanished from your head and be growing quite rapidly out of your chin. Missing you both loads. Will be in touch soon via e-mail. Lots of love Emma and Antony XXXXXXXXX
Bored At Work....
AWESOME!!! You look at home in the jungle....
Steve Seck And Dangerous Dave
word up wilsys,just at work living the dream with double d checking out your pictures.not bad i suppose but not as good as my lowestoft weekend break back in '82.mike is leaving to become a stress management consultant in the city.i'll mail you later as i have a transporter to check in.who's living the dream now then? later