How goes it everyone? I am just sitting in Sydney airport waiting to depart to Christchurch NZ for a 5 week tour of the North and South Islands. In the last couple of days we have been in Coogee which is a small seaside suburb which is slightly more quiet than Manly with a smaller beach and less surf. We came in the vein attempt that Liam wouldn't get dragged out by the surf.
The Weather was absolutely georgous in Coogee, hitting about 32 in the middle of the day. Hope the weather is picking up at home! We mostly relaxed on the beach in Coogee with the occasional cool down in the sea with copious amounts of seaweed pretending to be deadly sea monsters grabbing your leg and take you under!!
After two days in Coogee and only two days remaining until NZ, we decided to check out the world famous bondi. Our first experience of Bondi wasn't the best. It was our first day in Sydney and we were shattered after a massive walk to get to the beach. The place was packed (being a red hot Sunday) and we weren't too sure of what we thought.
This time round however, I am pleased to say that it's actually a lot more relaxed and less busy than our intial vist. We managed to book into a nice clean hostle and our 12 bed dorm consisted of mainly girls and as a result was miles cleaner, what a releif, somewhere for Liam to do his obsessive folding of clothes at last!!
Bondi is much the same as Coogee with a few quiet bars and a handful of nice cafes and shops. The beach however is massive and we had yet again, (sorry to keep rubbing it in!) great weather. So we hit the beach....of course!
What a place to spend the day people watching, we would make to best bikini competition judges! Only main difference here though, is the lifeguads wondering around in mega tight speedo trunks, weird! and slightly gay!
Anyway, must dash before the plane leaves without us!!
Oh, and just to rub it in a little more - we got tickets for the Melbourne Grand Prix! Come on Lewis!!!
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