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I'm sitting in the little town of Stung Treng (alone and unloved for the first time) and I enjoyed writing my 'Best Of' for Vietnam so here's a second installment for Cambodia.
Best Meal: Hamburger and Chips - Sihanoukville. First solid meal after the spews, and the burger was spiced perfectly.
Honorable Mention: Mocha Eclair from Blue Pumpkin Bakery in Siem Reap
Biggest Character: Tough choice, probably the kid at the rapids who posed for about half an hour for photos in my sunglasses. Will upload a picture when I get one cause they're all classic.
Honorable Mention: Our Bokor tour guide who loved to eat dog. Driving past a group of them he slyly comes out with, 'Grab it and put it in a curry' - it was all in the pronounciation.
Worst Experience: Falling in a open sewer in Kampot. No explanation necessary - worse than the gastro.
Weirdest Tourist Trap: The 7th century temple built in a cave. Sounded amazing, conjuring up images from Indiana Jones. Turns out top be not much more than a cubby house.
Ãnitial disappointment gave way to the bizarre. The temple was built around a stalagmite. The stalagmite was a giant phallus. The priest would spray water and perfume on the feature and it would ruin off and be collected in a channel. The run off was believed to have healing powers and the sick would drink it. Think about that for a sec.
Best Place: Easy, Angkor.
Sayings I Never Need To Hear Again: hey friend, you want tuk tuk
hey mister, you want cold water. Ok you buy later
Tomb Raider, Angelina Jolie
Where you from? Aah G'Day Mate
Weirdest Cambodian Style: The way males grow their thumb and little fingernails really long and leave the other normal size. Looks really creepy.
Thats all for now, bed and Laos awaits - see you on the otherside of the no electricity zone.
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