Spear??????? Went downstairs and a pole was thru the letter box - we must be on the wanted list at Windsor post office x
Just to let you know "the spear has landed"! the boss is still in shock
Loads of love
Mum xxxx
A Christmas "ditty" for Gemma.
There are meny miles between us,
but these wishes make there way,
to wish you a world of happiness,
for you this Christmas day.
Merry Christmas Gemma, we will all be thinking of you.
much love Sally,Ray,Tony James,and Stephen.xxxxxx
see what happens when you think your the boss Gemma...you dont get fed!!!!!!!!!
The Boss
Is hungry - Gemma in Argentina surrounded by corned beef, Lisa in New York surrounded by deli's - Phil in Ireland surrounded by fresh dairy food - I am off for a curry.
Globe Trotter!
Hey guys, just a message from Gemma! Thanks for leaving all your cool messages, great to here from you all, hope you are all having a festive time! x
The Morgan Clan
HI there honey
Was great to hear your voice yesterday. Needless to say it was pure madness at the Bowdens with so many children there and we managed to eat your mum and dad out of house and home so there are no left overs for John!!!!
Really enjoyed the rain forest pics the toucan and turtle are great BUT the ants and centipepe! not so great, the hairs on the back of my neck were crawling while i looked at them! I guess the Camera is working out well!!!!
loved the waterfall pics what a riot that must have been! and as for trevor that is luxury is it not!!!! look forward to the next installment!
lots of love
angela and the morgan clan!
Hi gemma,love the new set of photos,men in skirts,a bus called Trevor,you on a raft,and some very pretty bugs!!!!!! cool.
i think you will need more than cucumber on your eyes after this trip. Enjoy the big city.Take care.
love sally & Co xxxxxxxxxxx
The Morgan Clan
HI there
Have loved the journal and photo enteries! Finally joined the internet highway with broadband connection so have been able to sit back and get filled in your adventures...I have throughly enjoyed it all, but glad that you are doing all the mountain climbing!!
Well i am off to enjoy my new kitchen... catch up with you soon
lots of love angela and all the clan!
Chris, Bill, David And Peter
Hi Gemm and Rosemary, Wish were were there, I would love to be with you but don't know if I could keep up. Love
opps pushed the wrong button and lost half a messsage to you!!!!
I have really enjoyed seeing Peru on your site.The photos have been super.Looking forward to Equador......see you there!
have fun,be careful...cluck cluck.
lots of love Sally.xxxx
James And Tony
We were just wondering what shade of ginger your hair is now you've been in the sun so long... Are you one big freckle?
Also we think uncle John needs something more reliable than an egg timer as they can be a little out sometimes and he might end up paying a few pence more than he expected. Poor Aunty Phil having to put up with that!
Ok so on a more serious note i hope you are having fun and are remembering to put the factor 60 on at all times, even at night.
Tell pedro i'll bust his ass if he lays a finger on you and uncle John can mop up whats left.