missing you both loads. hope all goes well with scuba diving exam. have a fab birthday on tues. we'll be thinking of you.
love you lots kxxxxx
Grandad Noel & Sylv
Wes & Jules,
I hope you're enjoying your stay in Bankok, and everythings alright, looking forward to hearing about Singapore. But I'm also looking forward to a trip down the Tything to catch up on all the stories when you get back. Happy Birthday for Tuesday
Lots of Love,
Take Care, Grandad and Sylv xx
Hi Wes,
sent you an email about Barclays...
Dad x
Mum And Mike
Great to read your blog today, both the massage and diving sound great. I'd be a bit worried if I were you if they love Gem at the massage parlour - they may have an ulterior motive!? And as to that dog, if its not there on your return it will have been served as supper - don't get too fond!
As Wayne said, loads and loads of rain over the last few days - quite tropical! Looking forward to a restful weekend, hopefully it will be too wet to garden. Just caught up on the Apprentice, I was away so videod it, how hard was it not to find out who won.
Enjoy your diving!
Love Mum and Mike xx
Hello you 2,
just in case you are wondering, me and Bleep are having a lovely time. I'm in the ball most days, but keep getting stuck under the kitchen cupboards! I have to scratch the ball then Bleep comes and frees me. She does try to pick me up, but everytime she tries it, I give her a nip, so I don't think she's going to bother anymore. A boy called Big Gray came round to see me, and he thinks I'm so cool that he's going to get one like me for him and Carly in their new house. Anyway, I'm alright, so you just carry on spoiling that little puppy - I don't mind!!!
Mi, Mi (Goodbye in Hamster-speak) xx
Dad & Geri
Hi Both,
big news today is the arrival of new baby: TomTom SatNav. She's a beauty!! Had to get it for Nat/Ollie to go to Spain - I didn't really want one. Managed to get home from work ok tohight anyway! Geri starts new job in Worcester on Monday, in Backup HQ. It's been tanking it down with rain most of the day, but we're hoping it's going to be ok for bbq for Father's Day on Sunday.
Anyway, back soon
Dad n Gig xxx
Hi Wes & Gem, you seem to be have a really interesting time now..
Wes - just wanted to say thanks a lot for me pressie and card. Don't know what I'm buying yet, but it probably wont be till next week when I've gpt a few days off. Printed posts 1-5 for Steve to take over to gran & coke's today, so they're in the picture with your adventures to date...
Lots of Love
Kirst, Steve, Bob & Bump xx
Kerry & Ian
Hi guys,
Sorry we haven't blogged sooner, moved house on Friday and have no phone, internet or TV! gonna take a few weeks for them all to be installed so have to pop to mums to read and write blogs!
Sounds like you're having a very interresting time, you'll be pleased to know its been raining here today!
The house is looking fab, we love it and can't wait for you to see it. Gemma - Ian says to tell you that your tomato plant is growing day by day, he's very proud!
Jess and Tobs seem quite settled at the new house, they don't have a cat flap yet, so they get let out when we are there. Yesterday we heard this crazy noise and realised it was Jess on top of the conservatory roof......well actually sliding down it!! Next door have 4 giant rabbits, the cats have ventured over but not for long!
Anyway off to watch the Apprentice now, speak again soon
Lots and lots of love
K&I xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Ha! Finally got this internet thingy to work lol! Glad you're having a good time. Am sitting here watching the rain at the moment but then have no beach to go down to afterwards - bring me a little shell back instead. Did I mention we have a duckling which was hatched by a chicken! It is very confused but sooo cute. Bit messy too but heyho. Rachael home at the weekend and Nan and Grandad down for a few days; kitchen not being finished til Friday afternoon so they can all help fill the cupboards. It'll take me weeks to find anything. George just done his AS levels so looking forward to the holidays. Am I too old to play Nails? Why does Paul want pictures of the Lady/Rent boys???!! Not another tatoo?? Take care, Isabel & coxxx
Quim (Paul)
Not to disappoint my public (Sally) I thought I write again! I'm getting the tattoo on my lower stomach, closer to my junk than my belly button, it's impressing no-one in the office. Wes, you'll be pleased to know that after you saying to Dawn for five years about getting upgraded computers I'll be getting a G5 on Monday! Hope you took plenty of photos of the Lady/Rent boys and I wanna know how to play Nails!!
Hello both, just been having a little read i'm at work so even more jealous than if i'd have read at home i'm glad your having the wonderful time you'd planned i had no doubt that you would stay safe and enjoy, much love Aunti Bib xx
Dad & Geri
Hey You 2, hope you are well. Went round to Kirst's tonight with a birthday cake. Took your card which started the waterworks off, and then she opened ours which finished her off.
Last night we got some seed trays and compost and the first lot of seeds have gone in! Don't know where we're going to plant them when they come up, cos the garden is just as you remember it!
That's it for now, it's 10 to 10 - way past our bed time!