Lancefield, Victoria Oct 20, 2013 Looking after 2 border collies, (one rounds up the vehicle and the other rounds the first one up), 20chickens, 1 duck and 2 cockatoos, on 5 acres. Lots of eggs to eat, bit sick of eggs by the time we left.
Never Never, New South Wales Sep 24, 2013 Some of the birds that visited while house sitting this property near Dorrigo. This sit entailed looking after a Great Dane and a mini poodle. On arrival the home owner said the Grat Dane was locked in the shed as some work had just been carried out. The Great Dane was barking continuosly at te workers. The home owner went to fetch the dog with a very thick lead. When the dog spotted us he let out a very loud bark, I then called him over and he just stood quietl...