Just a quick note to tell u that mummy still loves u very much-I cant believe another week has gone by so quickly!The weather here has been mild and I have had some nice sunny walks but as we have also had some heavy rain the mud has been terrible.There are hardly any walks without a muddy start or finish so the hose pipe has been in action -Win hates it and has to be tied down and he makes such a noise it sounds as though he is being strangled!Dad has been away for a couple of nights again and is now on his way home ready to come with me to puppy class. Look forward to speaking to u on Saturdayxxxxxxxx
Hey, if your still at Kate's, Megan wanted to send her love as used to be good mates (she couldnt believe you were at her house!) crazy small world. Hope your enjoying chilling out at the ranch - take a couple of free horse riding lessons while your there?! Please let us know who is after Paul Robinson - as a bored student this is a central part of my everyday life that needs to be answered! Stay safe, x
Alright little bro?!? Thought I'd post something interestinf as Bells' Mum and Dad's all seem so dull ;-) You lot maanged to squeak past the Arse last night woth that little thumb sucking little sod scoring a late winner, very flucky!!!! Anyway, just to let you know we are all missing you, make sure you ahave a few Bundaberg's for me, really miss it!!! LOve u loads, take care little man
hi bells, thanks for the message. i no who is after paul robinson but it is someone really random and you wouldn't expect it! ha ha! do you want me to tell you or let you find out for yourself?! love chris xxxxx
Kel And Mark
Hiya Skid,
Glad you are having fun - hope you are not finding it too hard to part with that well earnt cash!! have you been on a river taxi in Sydney yet - it is good and I can also recommend the zoo if you are looking for something to do - the elephants even have a view of the opera house from their pen!! and you get to sit on a gorilla's lap - honest!!! The phone was vodafone originally - hope that makes sense as mum tried to explain what you wanted to know! All ok here - we are looking forward to our holiday in Egypt but i bet its not as hot as where you are. Mark is dead jealous of you going to see all these rugby matches but says if it is super 12 you must remember to support the SA teams. go sharks ( i think they are in it?!) We are missing you - www is getting really big now and had his first hose down after a walk with dad today and he was really frightened and then sat shivering in his basket! have you seen neighbours yet? we are still awaiting to find out who is after Paul Robinson - i reckon that Leery Lou is behind it all! The Home and Away set is near Sydney so try and get in the diner - sorry, can you tell my life is really boring!!
Love you loads xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
ps. Did you know that when i was there Todd from the afor mentioned classic tv soap was doing the 'harbour bridge walks' as a tour guide!! is he still there?
Hi Chris, glad to hear you're OK, spelling could do with a bit of attention though!! Sounds like a great trip, I bet the thought of 4 days on a bus didn't sound too great to start with though. Let us know what you're planning, it's good to be able to think where you are once in a while. Everything's good here, just got back from the annual company conference - held at Butlin's in Bognor Regis would you believe but not as bad as I'd feared, watched the opening ceremony for the Winter Olympics last night, I doubt you'll see it in Oz but if you get chance make sure you take it, it was truly spectacular and a great start. Men's downhill tomorrow, probably middle of the night your time, and today's starting off with Ski jumping and cross country. Looks like hard work but the weather is beautiful there which makes me wish I was going again!! You've just received a letter from school asking if you want to contribute an article for Riverline magazine about what you've been doing since you left school, what degree you got and what you're doing now. I guess both Lucy and Nick will have had the same letter, might be nice to send in a collective piece with a photo of the 3 of you in front of the Opera House, they don't want more than 200 words so you shouldn't have too much trouble! Let me know if you want to do it (they need it by 10th March) and you can E-Mail it to me with the photo and I'll print it off and send it back to them, although I'd have expected you to be able to do that from Oz. Have fun and take care, hear from you soon I hope.
Hi everyone, thanks for your messages. i am fine and now in sydney and the weather is beautiful- sorry if making you jealous! i've posted my next 'journal entry' thing now so check it out! xxxxx
Hows Ozzie?! Am now at work so being a bit cheeky but needed the distraction. Have been working hard as promised - got my dissertation draft back and it was suprisingly ok so hopefully wont have to do too much reworking on it. Ooh boss giving me evils better get back to it, hope your doing ok x x
hi chrissy,so good to hear from you on saturday.missing you so much especially sharing puppy duties.am taking both dogs out now each lunchtime and trying to wear winston out,it has been dry ,very cold and cloudy since you left and we have not seen the sun at all,so depressing!at least its not too muddy-we go along the bridleway and over to the millenium wood and avoid the canal.last tuesday win went for adrink at the side of the canal with his uncle oscar and fell in so i had to hoist him out and take a very wet and shivering puppy home! oscar thought this was very funny and says this proves what a squirt he really is! hope you are having a great time and looking after each other xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Fireworks sound amazing - just about beat the Wisbech St. Marys ones did they?! Hope the flight wasnt too bad, keep us up to date xxxxx
Hi Chris, hope the flight to Melbourne was OK - did you get to the cricket match, I looked at Sky first thing but couldn't see you in the crowd! I got your phone sorted yesterday, so no worries there. Take care and enjoy yourself.
Kel And Mark
Hi skid, Glad to hear that you made the flight ok!! mark wants to know if you had a "funky" kebab when you were in Hong Kong (not sure what meat they serve out there!!). I bet you looked a bit overweight over there with all the skinny chinese people!! All is well here - Tigger had the op and is feeling sorry for himself but doing well with his jump training! Take care and remember to have an amazing time - make sure you go to a neighbours night and if you meet Harold you have to ring me!!! Love you loads xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx