pictures are great!! is that really you in them? snow? hills? camping???
Haley, keep up the good work on your travels. Front Street bars are closing for lack of custom since you have left BDA!! Look like your dancing should be improving by the time you get back. Keep pictures coming. Miss ya.
Emily D
Wow this is really neato this travel log thingy... nice going Haley Webb keep up the good work! It looks like the night clubs there are craaaazy... dont do anything I wouldnt do;)
Peter Webb
Hi, When are you leaving Argentina and where are you going next. Didn't see any pics of Nic, is she withyou. Miss you tons from Peter and KIm
Boof Webb knucklehead. your pictures are very nice, but they are all sideways. You have to put them right side up so I can see all the unhappy ladies. I didn, however, enjoy your comments on all the statues. I think they are all crying on the inside.