Looks like you are having a rubbish time, bad weather, no fun!!!!! Photos of Thailand look amazing. It reminds me of James Bond with the little man Nik-Nak, and also the film, The Beach.
Looking forward to seeing you home safe and sound. Spoke to Charmaine yesterday and I think she is in the air as I write. Have a great time with her.
Everyone at the centre is fine. Federer has just lost to Murray in Madrid, damn!!! Gordon has heard from the people you have been seeing. Aren't Pete and Barbara Snyman amazing?! Had a great stay with them once.
Bye for now, take care, enjoy the rest of the trip.
Lots of like from Steve
Matt Trudgeon
Just looked at all the pictures and am missing all you guys loads and am very jealous, but hope you are having a great time
Everybody at heron says hi
Take care and speak soon
lots of like from matt
Hi guys...
Looks like you're having a fantastic time....I'm very jealous...
Pete, enjoy the Grand Prix in Singapore...should be interesting..... :-)
Hi Guys
Great pics. looks like a great time is being had. Can't wait to see you all. Love chars
Hi Flossie.
Alex is a LL and looks like a babuun. Hope you are having fun and we miss you. going with ami to hamburg today to see Calli and Isabel. watch out for lions and snakes. lotte xxxxx
Had a fab birthday thanks for the call hope you can win some tennis. We are going to hamburg today. Has Flossie been eaten by lions yet??
Hi Guys.
It was great to speak to you earlier, here is the address to take a look at the photos for the dragon boat racing I did with the Kemp lot a couple of weekends ago. http://www.falmouthphotos.com/dragon.html We did a total of 3 races for which the photos are dotted around the galleries but there is a good one of me in gallery 1: photo 439. Speak to again soon.
Love Ryan
Hi Flossie and Max.
Sorry I missed your call today. Miss you guys already. Max have you played on clay yet and Flossie have you found Rafa for me yet.
Love chmerzyl
Hi Max
I'm missing you but hope you're having a good time.
from Luke T
hey floss
i really don't want you leave cuse your my best friend have a great time!!